Educational Center Building

Student Health Center

Welcome to the ELAC Student Health Center

For a medical or individual therapy appointment or for questions about your medical records, please call our on-campus clinic (323) 265-8651

The Student Health Center offers free Narcan (naloxone), an opioid reversal medication, as well as fentanyl testing strips. In accordance with the Campus Opioid Safety Act (Senate Bill 367, Hurtado), California Community Colleges are required to provide opioid overdose reversal medication. Additionally, Assembly Bill 461 (AB 461, Ramos) mandates that each community college offer information about the use and location of fentanyl test strips.
To learn more about how to prevent opioid-related deaths by administering Naloxone, watch this YouTube video on Administering Naloxone to gain essential knowledge and skills.
For more information, please contact the Student Health Center at  (323) 265-8651 and
Narcan Nasal Spray

The Student Health Center (non-medical ELAC staff) is responding via email for general Health Center questions and requests for assistance medical, mental, sexual and reproductive health services, domestic violence, sexual assault and harrassement resources and wellness needs.

The email address to reach ELAC Student Health Center staff (non-medical ELAC staff) is: @email. For a medical or individual therapy appointment or for questions about your medical records, please call the on-campus clinic (323) 265-8651.

FOR FACULTY AND STAFF: Please email @email to request for classroom presentations and workshops to support your students medical health and mental health.

Please check our Events page & social media for events & updates.
Instagram @elacstudenthealth
The current semester's health fee required for services. For assistance paying online to or find out if you have paid, please contact the Fiscal Office:

ELAC students are eligible for healthcare services at our on-campus clinic. Services are provided by Via Care. Via Care staff are LGBTQ-friendly and Spanish-speaking.


The Purpose of the Student Health Center is to promote students' physical, emotional, spiritual and social well-being. Services and programs are designed to help students meet their educational, career and personal goals by encouraging healthy attitudes and behavior and fostering students' responsibility for their own health.


The Student Health Center holds in high regard the worth of each culturally diverse student. Our mission is to improve the quality of life and health by providing integrated physical and psychological health services.

Contact Information

Office Hours and Location

Summer and Fall 2023 Semester Open
Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed
Closed on LACCD holidays.


For medical or mental health appointments or to request your medical records, please call the on-campus clinic: (323) 265-8651. Services provided by Via Care, under contract with ELAC.

Student Health Center
Location: F5-302

To contact ELAC (non-Via Care) Student Health Center staff, please email @email. ELAC staff cannot schedule appointments & do not have access to your medical records.
For medical and behavioral therapy services,  please call (323) 265-8651

Social Media
Follow us on Instagram @elacstudenthealth


In case of emergency,
call ELAC Sheriff:
Phone: (323) 265-8800 or call 911