ELAC Campus and Buildings

Student Health Center - Events

Upcoming Events

See our Instagram page for up-coming events! @elacstudenthealth
Links to all Student Health Center events and workshops are on our Linktree: https://linktr.ee/elacshc Join us!

Contact Information

Office Hours and Location

Summer and Fall 2023 Semester Open
Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed
Closed on LACCD holidays.


For medical or mental health appointments or to request your medical records, please call the on-campus clinic: (323) 265-8651. Services provided by Via Care, under contract with ELAC.

Student Health Center
Location: F5-302

To contact ELAC (non-Via Care) Student Health Center staff, please email @email. ELAC staff cannot schedule appointments & do not have access to your medical records.
For medical and behavioral therapy services, please call: (323) 265-8651

Social Media
Follow us on Instagram @elacstudenthealth



In case of emergency,
call ELAC Sheriff:
Phone: (323) 265-8800 or call 911