Students Walking at ELAC Campus

Student Life & Resources

Associated Student Union

The Associated Student Union (ASU) is the official student government of East Los Angeles College.

ACE - Academic Computing Environment

Academic Computing Environment is to provide an Academic network that will allow faculty and students to communicate using the technology. 

Office 365

East Los Angeles College (ELAC) is now providing its students with official college email accounts. Called email.

Canvas LMS

Emergency Notifications

The Information Technology Department would like to inform all ELAC employees and students about our emergency notification system.

Child Development Center

The Campus Child Development Center offers its services to children 3 - 6 years of age.

Student Complaint Process

Ombudsperson is a person who helps students receive equitable resolution to complaints.

Student VTEA Survey

Students enrolled in following courses need to fill out VTEA form once per semester. MORE

Parking Information

East L.A. College is currently in the process of improving parking conditions for staff, faculty, and students by constructing new parking facilities.

Shuttle Bus

