ELAC Campus and Buildings

Student Activities

Student Activities

Student Activities

To set up a Zoom appointment with a Student Activities Representative, please send an email to @email.

Student Activities is a branch of Student Services that entails events outside of the classroom environment. Through campus partnerships and cooperative planning, the Student Activities office aims to promote a positive college experience by providing programs rooted in diversity, education, leadership, service and social interaction. Our office coordinates a wide range of opportunities for students to envelope the full college experience. Housed within Student Activities is the Associated Student Union and the Inter Club Council two branches of the student led government.

Free Speech

LACCD Administrative Regulation B-38: Free Speech Areas

Monday thru Thursday - 7:30AM to 7:00PM
Friday – 8:00AM to 4:00PM
For more information, contact the Student Activities Office at (323) 265-8742 or email us at @email

For Frequently Asked Questions, Please click here

E-Chat with a Student Activities Representative

To E-Chat with a representative please follow the steps below:

  • Online chat works best with the Chrome web browser. You can download it HERE.
  • Select the “Knock on Door” button on the card of any Representative who’s status is “Online” below:
  • Use your “Canvas” account login information if you are a current OR Create a guest account to login once you have agreed to the terms.
Appointment Login Sample
  • 4. Wait for pop-up window to appear to start E-Chat
  • 5. If no one is available please email us at @email.