ELAC Campus and Buildings


Ombudsperson is a person who helps students receive equitable resolution to complaints.
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No but it is always better to make an appointment to determine if the ombudsperson is available. You may call (323) 265-8977 to make an appointment with the ombudsperson.

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You will be asked to discuss your written comments. Your comments briefly indicate the nature of your concern. You will also be asked to consider what sort of outcome you want to your concerns. Your concerns may be referred to someone else. The discussion is informal and the visit confidential.


Talk to your professor, if possible, asking how your grade was calculated. Talk to the department chair, if necessary. Talk to the department dean. Talk to the ombudsperson, to discuss other options such as filing a grade change. Grade Change Request Petitions are available in the Admissions Office.


Yes, the college has a grievance process for contesting a grade, which may be changed only if the professor has made a mistake, acted in bad faith, fraudulently, or incompetently. The ombudsperson can explain the grade appeal grievance process, but has no power to change the grade.


The grade appeal process varies and may take several weeks, depending on the time of year.


The grade appeal process is contained in Administrative Regulation E55 (pdf), Student Grievances (Link open the new browser window) . The ombudsperson can explain the grade appeal grievance process, but has no power to change the grade.


The statute of limitations period for requesting a Grievance Hearing under this regulation is one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after the occurrence of the incident giving rise to the grievance; or one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after the student learns, or should have learned, that the student has a basis for filing a grievance.


The President makes the final decision.


If you have any further questions contact the Ombudsperson at: (323) 265-8614 or @email.




ELAC Ombudsperson


Paulina P. Palomino, Dean of Student Services Ombudsperson
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 265-8614