First-year Los Angeles College Promise (LACP) Information
Click on the ELAC Promise Checklist below to start on the ELAC Promise steps

ELAC Promise check list
- Apply to ELAC.
- Apply for Financial Aid.
- Apply for College Promise.
- Complete ELAC...
- Assessment Placements
- Orientation
- Education Plan
- Log into SIS Portal to check for "To Do List Items & Holds"
- FYC Summer Transition Activity
- Fall Semester: Enroll in a minimum of 12 units

Two Year Scholar Plan
Aside from offering 2 years of community college free, ELAC Promise provides scholars with a summer transition activity, registration support, First-Year Experience success coaches, dedicated counselors and cohort courses, incentives, and opportunities for employment/internships with LACP works and international travel through the Los Angeles City Mayors’ Young Ambassadors Program.
We are now accepting Spring applications!