ELAC Letters Entrance

ELAC Promise (LACP) Information

First-year Los Angeles College Promise (LACP) Information

Click on the ELAC Promise Checklist below to start on the ELAC Promise steps

College Promise Checklist


ELAC Promise check list

  1. Apply to ELAC.
  2. Apply for Financial Aid.
  3. Apply for College Promise.
  4. Complete ELAC...
    1. Assessment Placements
    2. Orientation
    3. Education Plan
  5. Log into SIS Portal to check for "To Do List Items & Holds"
  6. FYC Summer Transition Activity
  7. Fall Semester: Enroll in a minimum of 12 units

Learn More

Free Tuition Banner

Two Year Scholar Plan

Aside from offering 2 years of community college free, ELAC Promise provides scholars with a summer transition activity, registration support, First-Year Experience success coaches, dedicated counselors and cohort courses, incentives, and opportunities for employment/internships with LACP works and international travel through the Los Angeles City Mayors’ Young Ambassadors Program.

Learn More


We are now accepting Spring applications!

College Promise Fall 2022 Application Now Open!

Contact Information

Office Hours

Virtual Office Hours
Mondays & Wednesdays: 1:00AM - 5:00PM
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 12:00PM - 4:00PM
Fridays: 9:00AM - 12:00PM & 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

In-person Office Hours
Monday to Thursdays: 10:00AM - 4:00PM
Fridays to Sundays: Closed

Office hours are subject to change during the Holidays


Phone: (323) 780-6795

Zoom Meeting ID:
Click on the Zoom ID below to connect!

FYE Counselor Live Chat
If the FYE Counselor is unavailable, please visit General Counseling by clicking HERE

Email and Social Media

Connect with us through all of our social media platforms where you can find our latest updates for LACP works, workshops and resources.

First Year Experience
Email: @email

ELAC promise
Email: @email

Family & Community Engagement Services (FACES)
Email: @email