ELAC Campus Bird eye View

Women's and Men's Support Center

Family PACT

What is Family PACT?

Family PACT is a limited benefits health program that provides family planning services and limited family planning-related services. Benefits include all FDA approved contraceptive methods and supplies, family planning counseling and education, sexually transmitted infection (STIs) testing & treatment, HIV screening, cervical cancer screening, male and female permanent contraception, and limited infertility services. The program also provides access to onsite and prescriptions that can be filled at a pharmacy that accepts Medi-Cal for drugs/supplies covered under Family PACT. Family PACT is not considered health insurance.

Card to Health Access Programs


  1. You must be a California resident;
  2. Your income for your family size must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines;

  3. The client must have no other source of health care coverage for family planning services, or meet the criteria specified for eligibility with Other Health Coverage and;

  4. You must have a medical necessity for family planning services.

If you have Medi-Cal or other health coverage that includes family planning services, you cannot use Family PACT. If you qualify, the front desk staff at the Student Health Center can enroll you in the Family PACT Program.

Information taken from the California Department of Health Care Services Family PACT website: http://www.familypact.org

Contact Information

Office Hours and Location

Summer and Fall 2023 Semester Open
Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed
Closed on LACCD holidays.


For medical or mental health appointments or to request your medical records, please call the on-campus clinic: (323) 265-8651. Services provided by Via Care, under contract with ELAC.

Student Health Center
Location: F5-302

To contact ELAC (non-Via Care) Student Health Center staff, please email @email. ELAC staff cannot schedule appointments & do not have access to your medical records.
For medical and behavioral therapy services, please call: (323) 265-8651

Social Media
Follow us on Instagram @elacstudenthealth



In case of emergency,
call ELAC Sheriff:
Phone: (323) 265-8800 or call 911