Nursing Students in Classroom

Credit by Examination/Advanced Placement for Licensed Vocational Nurses

To receive credit for courses already completed elsewhere, students may challenge the course through Credit by Examination. The ELAC regulations state that in order to receive credit, the applicant must pass the challenge exam with a score of 76% or better.

The nature and content of the examination shall be determined solely by faculty in the discipline who normally teaches the course for which credit is to be granted in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the college curriculum committee. The faculty shall determine that the examination adequately measures mastery of the course content as set forth in the course outline of record and meeting the BRN regulations.

Credit by Examination is authorized in Title 5, Section 55753. Once eligibility to sit for a challenge exam has been established, refer to Title 5, the request for Credit by Examination must be submitted no later than one calendar month before the first day of finals week and two (2) weeks before the first day of finals week for short term classes.

  1. Nursing students who have active LVN licenses and have a minimum of one year full-time experience in the psychiatric nursing, obstetric nursing, and/or pediatric nursing area may challenge any of the following courses: N268 Psychiatric Mental Health, N271 Reproductive Nursing Women's & Newborn, and/or N270 Care of Children & Families prior to the semester in which they are scheduled to take those courses.
  2. The Credit by Examination form is available in the Admissions Office. The student will fill out the Credit by Examination form. The form goes to Admission where it will be evaluated to determine if the student is qualified to sit for the challenge exam. The challenge exam will include demonstrations of successful theoretical and clinical competency. The student must pass both to receive credit for the course. If a student fails the exam, the grade will go onto their transcript as a F-Fail. The student would then take the class as a repeat. If there is a second failure, the student will not be able to continue in the program. If the student passes both portions of the challenge exam, they will receive “Credit” for the course.
  3. The student must notify the Program Director upon admission to the program that the student plans to challenge a course or courses.
  4. LVN Challenge students must meet all the requirements listed above to be placed in the appropriate semester of the nursing program.

Individuals who have held Military Health Care Occupations, specifically: Basic Medical Technician Corpsman (Navy HM or Air Force BMTCP), Army National Guard Health Care Specialist (68W Army Medic) or Air Force Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT 4N0X1C) may achieve advanced placement into the appropriate semester of the nursing program with documentation of education and experience qualifying them for the specific Military Health Care Occupation.

Acceptance of Military Challenge students into the Associate Degree Nursing Program is contingent upon space availability, and the successful passing of the skills competency exam, achievement of 76% or above on the Challenge Exam and 100% on a dosage calculation exam.

Applicants must meet all general entrance requirements of the Associate Degree Nursing Program as outlined on the Multi-Criteria Process for Admission Worksheet. 

Military Challenge students who have earned a grade of “C-“ or lower or “W” in a previous nursing program will not be eligible for admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program.

  1. Interested candidates must request an appointment with the Nursing Program Director at least eight weeks prior to any application period to discuss eligibility requirements for the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
  2. Applicants who may be eligible for advanced placement will include those individuals who have satisfactorily completed, within the last two years, education and experience for the following:
    • Basic Medical Technician Corpsman (Navy HM or Air Force BMTCP)
    • Army National Guard Health Care Specialist (68W Army Medic)
    • Air Force Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT 4N0X1C)
  3. Applicants applying for transfer credit must submit the following materials verifying education and experience:
    • Transcripts from appropriate education program(s), demonstrating satisfactory completion of coursework and clinical experience
    • A one-page documentation of nursing related experience with month and date (from-to) and estimation of nursing hours practiced
  4. After a review of the applicant's documentation and upon determination that the applicant has met the educational and experience requirements as well as the additional nursing program admission requirements, the student will be required to take a written challenge examination, a competency skills exam, and a dosage calculation exam.
  5. The following materials will be available to the applicant once challenge confirmation is made:
    • Course syllabus, including course objectives
    • Content outline
    • Textbook lists
    • Example of style and format of examination
  6. Written and skills competency examinations for advanced placement or challenge must be completed eight weeks prior to admission to the program.
  7. Military Challenge students must meet all the requirements listed above to be placed in the appropriate semester of the nursing program.