Nursing Students in Classroom


Certificate of Achievement: Licensed Vocational Nurse to Registered Nurse (30 unit option/non-graduate) 


  1. A current California VN license.
  2. High school graduate or equivalent required prior to BRN licensure examination (NCLEX - RN)
  3. Satisfactory completion of each of the following college courses before entering the program: (all required recourses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better). 

    • PHYSIOL 001* Introduction to Human Physiology with laboratory (4 semester units)

      *CHEMISTRY 051 or 065 or 101 (4 or 5 semester units) is a prerequisite for Physiology
    • MICRO 020 Microbiology with laboratory (4 semester units)
NURSING 275 Introduction to Pharmacology 1.5
NURSING 268* Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing 3.5
NURSING 269* Medical/Surgical Nursing II 5.5
NURSING 272* Medical/Surgical Nursing III 5.5
NURSING 274* Role Transition 1

*This course has a prerequisite.

NOTE: LVN to RN who student who provide proof of current LVN license will be granted a waiver for the following courses: NURSING 265, 266, 267, 270, and 271. 

LVN students selecting this option must make an appointment with the Program Director to review course history and determination of pre-requisite courses. 

Licensed Vocational Nurse to Registered Nurse, Associate in Science Degree - NOT CURRENTLY OFFERED


  1. A current California VN License.
  2. High School graduate, or equivalent (GED or California Degree). 
  3. GPA demonstrating satisfactory academic progress, however, a 2.5 GPA must be attained in Anatomy/Physiology and Microbiology. 
  4. Satisfactory completion of each of the following college courses before entering the program: (all required recourses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better). 
    • ANATOMY 001/PHYSIOL 001: College courses in Anatomy/Physiology* with laboratory (minimum 8 semester units) OR BIOLOGY 020* (a combined course of Anatomy/Physiology). *CHEMISTRY 051 or 065 or 101 (4 or 5 semester units) is a prerequisite for Physiology 
    • MICRO 020: Microbiology with laboratory (4 semester units).
    • PSYC C1000: Introductory Psychology (minimum 3 semester units) AND PSYCH 041: Life-Span Psychology (minimum 3 semester units).
    • STAT C1000 or STATC1000E: Statistics OR MATH 245: College Algebra OR higher level MATH (3 semester units)
    • ENGLISH 101 or 101X or 101Y or 101Z: College Reading and Composition I (minimum 3 semester units) OR E.S.L. 110 College Composition for Non-Native Speakers (minimum 4 semester units).
  5.  Health: The student must be free from any condition that would present a threat to the well-being of the consumer (Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Division, Section 70723 (a). A complete physical examination with select immunizations including COVID-19 will be required upon acceptance. 

 The following General Education courses should be completed before applying to the LVN-RN degree program. 

  1. Area B1: American Institutions (see graduation requirements list for American Institutions) ( 3 units) 
  2. Area C: Humanities (see graduation requirements list for Humanities) (3 units) 
  3. Area D2: COMM 101 (3 units) 
  4. Beginning Fall 2023, Ethnic Studies may be required. Please see a Nursing Counselor. 
COMM C1000 Public Speaking 3
SOC 001 Introduction to Sociology 3
NURSING 267* Medical/Surgical Nursing I 5.5
NURSING 268* Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing 3.5
NURSING 269* Medical/Surgical Nursing II 5.5
NURSING 271* Reproductive Nursing: Women and Newborn 4
NURSING 270* Care of Children and Family 4
NURSING 272* Medical/Surgical Nursing III 5.5
NURSING 274* Role Transition 1

NOTE: LVN to RN students who provide proof of a current LVN license will be granted a waiver for the following courses: NURSING 265 and 266.

Nursing program prerequisite courses will satisfy LACCD GE Areas A, B2, D1, D2, Math competency, and Written Expression Competency. Area E shall be waived for degrees in Nursing. 

In order for an application to be considered, a completed application packet must be emailed to within the application cycle period.