ELAC Campus and Buildings

UC Requirements

UC Transfer Requirements

The University of California system is a world-class, public institution with 9 undergraduate campuses. 150 academic disciplines are offered across UC campuses, preparing students to be leaders in research, graduate study, and professional careers.

UC Map
UC Minimum Requirements Checklist

Articulation Agreements

An articulation agreement is an agreement between two college campuses that ensures the transferability of courses to meet major and general education requirements.

East Los Angeles College maintains articulation agreements with all campuses in the University of California system. These agreements can be accessed at http://www.assist.org/

UC Transfer Information

UC TAP is a free online tool to help prospective UC transfer students track and plan their coursework.

The UC TAP tool is designed for use by students transferring from California community colleges, including those students who are seeking a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) with one of the six participating UC campuses.

Students can use the Transfer Admission Planner to enter their coursework (completed and planned) from the very beginning of their college careers, or at any point when they decide to transfer to a UC campus.
The planner helps students track their progress toward meeting UC's minimum requirements, and allows UC staff to communicate important information to prospective transfer students.

Click here to create a TAP account.

The UC Transfer Admission Guarantee gives ELAC students who meet TAG requirements a guarantee of admission to selected UC campus. TAG requirements include meeting campus & major minimum GPA, English & Math completed within a certain timeframe, have 30 UC-transferable units completed, among others. For more information, view the TAG matrix below, attend a TAG workshop and/or speak with a counselor.

TAG Application Filing Period:
Fall Admissions: September 1-30
Winter/Spring Admissions: May 1-31

UC TAG Requirements Chart

Contact Information

Office Hours

Monday -  Thursday:
9:00AM - 4:00PM
​​​​Friday: 9:00AM - 12:00PM 

Location: D7

Computer Lab Hours

Monday -  Thursday:
9:00AM - 4:00PM 

In Person: D7
Phone: (323) 265-8623
Online: Live Chat

Contact Us

Online Chat
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 265-8623
In Person: D7

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