ELAC Campus and Buildings

Transfer Admissions Guarantees

UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)

The UC Transfer Admission Guarantee gives ELAC students who meet TAG requirements a written guarantee of admission to selected colleges and universities. Students who complete the agreed upon sequence of classes in general education and a selected major with a stated minimum GPA can apply to the four-year institution within a prescribed time-frame and be "Guaranteed Admission."

To apply for UC TAG:

  1. Meet with an ELAC counselor to determine if you're eligible.
  2. If eligible the student must go to UC TAG web page and apply within the eligible filing period: September 1-30

The online contract provides the participating universities with the student's contract information. As a result, the student will have direct access to university representatives and current information pertaining to their admissions or changes they should know about

Ensure your successful transfer by signing a TAG agreement with one the following campuses:

UC TAG Matrix:

UC Campus Minimum GPA Units completed
in order to sign contract
TAG filing Period
UC Davis 3.2 - 3.5 30 transferable units Fall: 9/01 - 9/30
UC Irvine 3.4 30 transferable units Fall: 9/01 - 9/30
UC Merced 2.8 - 3.0 30 transferable units

Spring: 5/01 - 5/31
Fall: 9/01 - 9/30

UC Riverside 2.7 - 3.6 30 transferable units Spring: 5/01 - 5/31
Fall:9/01 - 9/30
UC Santa Barbara 3.4 30 transferable units Fall: 9/01 - 9/30
UC Santa Cruz 3.0 30 transferable units Spring: 5/01 - 5/31
Fall: 9/01 - 9/30

HBCU Transfer Admissions Guarantee

An agreement between the California Community Colleges and select HBCU partners that guarantees transfer to a participating HBCU for California community college students who complete certain academic requirements. 

HBCU TAG Qualifications

  • Have GPA of 2.0 or higher (Note: some HBCU partners may require a higher GPA)
  • Complete one of the following two options:
    1. Complete an Associate Degree for Transfer using the IGETC or CSUGE pattern
    2. Complete a minimum of 30 UC or CSU transferable units

Transfer Guarantee Program Benefits

  • Guarantees admission to all partner institutions
  • Application fee waiver code available to the online Common Black College Application
  • One application for up to four participating partner schools
  • Pre-transfer advisement by program staff and institution representatives
  • Priority consideration for campus housing (when deadlines are met)
  • Priority consideration for scholarships for students with a 3.2 GPA or higher based on institutions' available funding

Click here for more information about the HBCU Transfer Guarantee

Pacific Oaks University Transfer Admissions Guarantee

A special partnership between Pacific Oaks College and ELAC that guarantees a qualifying student acceptance into one of the following Pacific Oaks Bachelor's program:

  • B.S. Business Administration
  • B.S.W. Social Work
  • B.A. Community Psychology
  • B.A. Early Childhood Education
  • B.A. Human Development

Pacific Oaks TAG Requirements

  • Have cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Complete one of the following:
    1. Have an Associates degree by start of their enrollment at Pacific Oaks College
    2. Have minimum 60 transferable units

Click here for more information about the Pacific Oaks transfer agreement


Whittier College Transfer Admissions Guarantee

  1. The student must submit a completed application for admission as well as all supporting documents and the application fee (fee waiver available in Transfer Center) to Whittier College on or before the transfer application deadline (April 15 for fall and December 1 for spring).
  2. The student will have completed the Freshman Writing Seminar requirement and the Quantitative Reasoning requirement with a C grade or better in each class (See the general articulation agreement for courses that will fulfill these requirements).
  3. The student will have completed at least 30 transferable units with a C or better.
  4. The student must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in courses eligible for transfer. For example, if a student earned a D or below in a transferable course, that course would not be accepted for transfer credit, but would be factored into the cumulative transfer grade point average.
  5. Students who are admitted with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above will receive a merit-based scholarship ranging from $10,500 to $13,500 per year to be used toward tuition at Whittier College. Students who submit a FAFSA and are eligible for need-based aid may also receive Whittier College grants, as well as other state and federal funding.
  6. Student must bring signed ELAC/Whittier College TAG form to the ELAC Transfer Center & schedule an appointment to meet with the Whittier College Representative.

Contact Information

Office Hours

Monday -  Thursday:
9:00AM - 4:00PM
9:00AM - 12:00PM 

Location: D7

Computer Lab Hours

Monday -  Thursday:
9:00AM - 4:00PM 

In Person: D7
Phone: (323) 265-8623
Online: Live Chat

Contact Us

Online Chat
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 265-8623
In Person: D7

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