ELAC Campus and Buildings

Private & Out-of-state Transfer Requirements

def. Private Independent Colleges and Universities (n): "Independent, nonprofit colleges that receive no public money, and relies on tuition, fees, and private funding sources. Each has its own unique mission to serve students." Also known as private universities or colleges.

The Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU) is comprised of 85 independent, private nonprofit colleges and universities in California. A majority of CA private schools, including USC, LMU, and Pepperdine are part of the AICCU. The AICCU Transfer Guide provides information on transferring to CA's private universities and colleges.

In general, it's recommended that you complete a combination of your lower-division major prep and general education (GE) courses. Requirements for each school vary, we encourage you to meet with a counselor to help you develop an educational plan tailored for your major and specific target colleges/universities.

Find out more below about the various transfer guarantee programs available to transfer to CA private universities and Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) and how to get in-state tuition when transferring to an out-of-state university.

Private & Out-of-State Transfer Information

Articulation Agreements
An articulation agreement is an agreement between two college campuses that ensures the transferability of courses to meet major and general education requirements.

Independent Colleges and Universities
East Los Angeles College maintains articulation agreements with several independent colleges and universities in California. Some agreements list only courses that fulfill general education requirements, while other agreements also list courses that fulfill major requirements.

The following agreements may be accessed by clicking on the link:
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In-State Private Universities

Out-of-State Universities


Articulation Agreement

Arizona State University (ASU)

Transfer Credit Guide

The ADT Commitment is the Independent California College and University sector’s adaptation of the ADT pathway. If an ADT transfer student meets all the requirements of admission to a participating institution, admission is guaranteed to that college.

The ADT (AA-T/AS-T) Commitment is:

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have an excellent academic track record. While only about 17 percent of black undergraduate students attend an HBCU, more than 28 percent of African-Americans who receive a bachelor’s degrees obtain them from an HBCU. These colleges and universities are also leading institutions in awarding degrees to African-American students in the life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics and engineering programs.

Thanks to an agreement signed March 17, 2015 between the California Community Colleges and several HBCUs, California community college students who complete certain academic requirements are guaranteed transfer to a participating HBCU.

HBCUs were established primarily to serve the higher education needs of the African-American community, however they are open to students of all ethnicities. There are more than 100 HBCUs in the country, with most located in the South and on the East Coast. Most award bachelor’s degrees in many fields.

HBCU Transfer Guarantee
California community college transfer students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher are guaranteed admission to HBCU partner schools using either of the following two options:

  1. Complete a minimum of 30 UC or CSU units, OR
  2. Complete an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) using the IGETC or the CSU-GE pattern.

Students who qualify for this guarantee can also receive an application fee waiver code for the online Common Black College Application to apply to a participating partner HBCU (four max). There may be additional prerequisites or other requirements for certain majors.

Additional program benefits for students under the agreement include:

  • Priority consideration for housing
  • Consideration for transfer scholarships for students with a 3.2 or higher GPA
  • Pre-admission advising.


The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) is an agreement among WICHE’s 16 member states and territories, through which 160+ participating public colleges and universities provide steep nonresident tuition savings for Western students.

Through WUE, eligible students can choose from hundreds of undergraduate programs outside their home state, and pay a discounted tuition rate instead of the nonresident tuition rate.

Full nonresident college-tuition rates may exceed 300 percent of resident rates, but students in the WUE pay no more than 150 percent of that institution’s resident tuition rate. This increases affordable higher-education choices for students, and minimizes the adverse impacts of student loan debt.

Example - Transfer to Arizona State University (ASU) in an eligible major:

  • Resident Tuition: $9,640
  • Nonresident Tuition: $25,920
  • WUE Tuition: $14,460

WUE Eligibility:

  • Be a qualified resident of a WICHE member state or territory. - California is one of the member states
  • Plan to study at a public college or university in another of WICHE’s 16 states and territories.
  • Ensure your chosen school offers the major you want. Search the WUE Savings Finder database to find out which majors at 160+ Western schools are WUE-eligible. (Some campuses exclude select majors from WUE eligibility.)
  • Meet your school’s admissions criteria–both generally, and for WUE. Along with that school’s general admissions standards, some require WUE students to meet specified GPA and/or ACT/SAT scores.

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