The Child Development Center is able to offer many learning experiences to the students of East Los Angeles College and the community. Experiences include part-time employment, Financial Aid Work Study, CalWORKs Work Study, volunteer opportunities, and course work requirement experiences: observations, volunteering, Read-To-Me, School-Age Mentors, and/or interviews with the Director or classroom instructors.

Interested students, mostly child development majors, use the Child Development Center as a pathway of gaining experience in a developmentally appropriate early education environment with experienced mentor teachers/instructors. Students gaining experience to earn and apply for an Associate Teacher and/or a Teacher permit through the State of California. For more information on Associate Teacher and Teacher permits, click on the following link for the Child Development Training Consortium:

Visit the Child Development Center, A-1 building next to the baseball field, or call (323) 265-8788 for more information.


Part-time employment (maximum of 25 hours per week). The following requirements must met before being employed:

  • For Teacher Assistant Application, click here;
  • The successful completion of two (2) child development course;
  • Cleared tuberculosis test (Manitou testing current within two (2) years and X-ray within four (4) years);
  • Beginning September 2016, proof of the following immunizations are required: measles, pertussis (whooping cough), and influenza. The influenza vaccine must be taken and between August 1 and December 1st of each year. Influenza can be declined with a written notice by the applicant;
  • Livescan clearance (the Livescan form will be provided at the time of hiring);
  • Completed licensing packet (to be provided on-site once immunizations and fingerprints are cleared and on file);
  • Physical with signature from a licensed physician;
  • Completed employment packet (Personnel Office).


For information about CalWORKs, contact the CalWORKs office at (323) 265-8998.

The following requirements must met before being employed:

  • Meet minimum requirements as a CalWORKs work study to participate;
  • Approved Contract from the CalWORKs Office;
  • Cleared tuberculosis test (Manitou testing current within two (2) years and X-ray within four (4) years);
  • Beginning September 2016, proof of the following immunizations are required: measles, pertussis (whooping cough), and influenza. The influenza vaccine must be taken and between August 1 and December 1st of each year. Influenza can be declined with a written notice by the applicant;
  • Livescan clearance (the Livescan form will be provided at the time of hiring);
  • Completed licensing packet (to be provided on-site once immunizations and fingerprints are cleared and on file);
  • Physical with signature from a licensed physician;
  • Completed employment packet (Personnel Office).


For information about Financial Aid, contact the Financial Aid Office at (323) 265-8738.

The following requirements must met before being employed:

  • Meet minimum requirements as a Financial Aid work study to participate;
  • Approved Contract from the Financial Aid Office;
  • Cleared tuberculosis test (Manitou testing current within two (2) years and X-ray within four (4) years);
  • Beginning September 2016, proof of the following immunizations are required: measles, pertussis (whooping cough), and influenza. The influenza vaccine must be taken and between August 1 and December 1st of each year. Influenza can be declined with a written notice by the applicant;
  • Livescan clearance (the Livescan form will be provided at the time of hiring);
  • Completed licensing packet (to be provided on-site once immunizations and fingerprints are cleared and on file);
  • Physical with signature from a licensed physician;
  • Completed employment packet (Personnel Office).


Volunteers are an integral aspect of the Child Development Center.

Please note that all volunteers, including students completing volunteer hours for course assignments, will be required to comply with the following:

  • Practicum Volunteer Application (coming soon)
  • Cleared tuberculosis test (Manitou testing current within two (2) years and X-ray within four (4) years);
  • Beginning September 2016, proof of the following immunizations are required: measles, pertussis (whooping cough), and influenza. The influenza vaccine must be taken and between August 1 and December 1st of each year. Influenza can be declined with a written notice by the applicant.
  • Proof of Livescan clearance (the Livescan form will be provided).

Please Note: The volunteer is responsible for the cost of the Livescan.


Instructor/Director Interviews:
Some child development courses include an interview with the classroom instructors or the director of the program. Call the CDC for an appointment at (323) 265-8788.

Course Required Activity with Children:
The course instructor should make arrangements with the CDC for this type of assignment.

Requirements for a one-time activity with children include:

  • Cleared tuberculosis test (Manitou testing current within two (2) years and X-ray within four (4) years);
  • Beginning September 2016, proof of the following immunizations are required: measles, pertussis (whooping cough), and influenza. The influenza vaccine must be taken and between August 1 and December 1st of each year. Influenza can be declined with a written notice by the applicant;
  • Livescan clearance.


Appointments for observations are made at the Child Development Center or by calling (323) 265-8788. Please make appointments at least two days in advance. Observations are limited to two hours per day.


Read-To-Me and School-Age mentor programs began in 2010 when Linda Wilbur recognized that some students in Child Development 3 did not know how to read to children. She conducted trainings with her students. The trainings included how to choose developmentally appropriate books and how to read books for young children.

The following year, Linda quickly realized that her students could continue working hands-on assignments with CD 3 and 4 students by beginning a school-age mentor program. This school-age program required one-on-one mentoring for a semester with the kindergarten age children at the CDC.

A lead intern, working with Linda Wilbur, will provide a schedule for sign-ups.
A sign in sheet will be provided.

Requirements for the Read-to-Me and School-Age Mentor Program include:

  • Cleared tuberculosis test (Manitou testing current within two (2) years and X-ray within four (4) years)
  • Beginning September 2016, proof of the following immunizations are required: measles, pertussis (whooping cough), and influenza. The influenza vaccine must be taken and between August 1 and December 1st of each year. Influenza can be declined with a written notice by the applicant.

Visit the Child Development Center, A-1 building next to the baseball field, or call (323) 265-8788 for more information.



Contact Information

Office Location

A1 Building


Marcia Cagigas, Director
Email: @email

Jacqueline Zavala, Vice Director
Email: @email

Front desk Tel.
Phone: (323) 265.8788