Admission Priorities, Requirements and Fees
The Child Development Center was established to provide a service to student-parents while attending East Los Angeles College (ELAC). As a participant in this program, the parent has responsibilities towards the children and faculty to assure that the program operates for the benefit of everyone involved.
The State of California Department of Education, Child Development Division, contracts the East Los Angeles College Child Development Center to provide children's services to families who are income eligible and/or CalWORKs or State Preschool recipients. If your family qualifies for any of these programs and you choose to become a participant, the following policies and procedures are required:
Priority is given to children in Protective Services.
Priority is then given to four 4-year-old children whose families have the lowest adjusted income at the time of enrollment, then children who are identified as limited English or non-English proficient, children with exceptional needs, and children from families whose special circumstances may diminish the child’s opportunities for normal development.
Three- year-old children follow using the same priorities listed above.
Once all 4-year-old and 3-year-old children have been placed, other children can be considered for enrollment. Other children include children IF the child exceeds the age limitation or the parent’s income exceeds the income ceiling by fifteen percent (15%) or less for income eligible families of the same size. These children make up a maximum of ten percent (10%) of the total enrollment.
Child’s parents must live and/or work in the State of California.
- Current copy of gas or electricity bill for the family.
Upon enrollment, verification of birth is required. The following documents are acceptable:
- Birth Certificate;
- Baptismal Certificate;
- Passport.
Upon enrollment, accurate and complete verification of family income is required. Documentation must be submitted within thirty (30) days prior to the first day of enrollment. The following documents are acceptable:
- Current paycheck stubs for one month prior to enrollment date;
- Notice of Action;
- If self-employed, a signed letter verifying average monthly pays;
- Income Tax Return, only if it has been requested.
Upon enrollment, the following forms, are required:
- Application for Services
- Emergency and Identification Information (Emergency Cards);
- Up-to-date Immunization Record;
- Current Physician Report, within one year of enrollment.
Once enrolled, official verification of student-parent’s college class schedule and unit enrollment. As well as, a progress report or grade card towards the end of each semester.
Parents enrolled in full-day State Preschool are required to show the “need” for childcare. Working full-time and/or attending school fulltime meets this requirement. Progress reports and/or grade cards and/or employment verification will be required.
An appointment will be scheduled at the time of enrollment to set your vocational goals and objectives.
The fees for a student-parent child's enrollment are based on a **sliding fee scale, ranging from approximately $1.00 /hour to $ 2.00 hour, depending on family gross monthly income and number of dependents. Income level is verified at the time of enrollment. Community Tuition rates range from $3.00 - $5.00 hr.
Our program offers subsidized child care for families meeting the criteria set forth in our State contracts administered by the State of California Department of Education Early Education Services Division (EESD), State Preschool Program. Children must be 3.0 years old by September 2nd of the current year to be eligible for subsidized care. Eligibility is based on the family's gross monthly income and number of dependents.
The Child Development Center and the Los Angeles Community College District follow the same school-year calendar: therefore, the Child Development Center is closed when the Community College District is closed. Parents are not charged for the days the Child Development Center is closed.
Parents are financially responsible for the program hours that the child is enrolled. There are no reductions or refunds for early pick-ups. When you sign the child fee agreements, you are signing a contract for the full semester. If you decide to withdraw your child, you will be financially responsible until we receive notification, verbally or in writing, that you are withdrawing.
Applications for enrollment are accepted on an on-going basis. Applications can be obtained directly from the Child Development Center, A1 building (next to the baseball field) or online on the ELAC.
Once complete, return the application to the Child Development Center, A1 building with the supporting documents. Applications are kept on file for the current school year. An eligibility list (waiting list) is maintained on an on-going basis and it is used as openings are available throughout the school year.
NEW APPLICATIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE EVERY YEAR ON THE SECOND TUESDAY OF MARCH. All families will be required to submit a new application annually to determine eligibility. All applications submitted will be reconsidered for enrollment.
Your child’s enrollment in our program is guaranteed from the beginning of summer or at the time of enrollment until the end of the spring semester.
- The District establishes the sliding fee schedule for community fees.
- By applying to the Child Development Center, you are automatically considered for the State Preschool Program.