English Department Clubs
We currently have two English Department clubs available to all students, regardless of your major. Our English Club is geared towards any student who would like to gain a better appreciation for all things related to English such as building your college resume, improving your essays, sharing poetry and even going on field trips such as the Opera, museums, plays and more! Join us every first and third Tuesday either online or in-person! Please contact Professor Raeanna Gleason, @@email, Professor Lorena Madrigal, @@email, or Professor Luis Orozco @@email.

Our ESL Club was founded by Professor Khetam Dahi and continues to thrive with more faculty advisers who have joined the team! Professor Maria Betancourt @email and Professor Janell Rae @email continue to build and help the club grow with Professor Khetam Dahi.

The purpose of our ESL Club is to help bring community and engagement for all second language learners. Our club celebrates our diverse cultures studying at ELAC from all over the globe and locally. If you would like to meet a diverse group of students from home and abroad, you are welcome! Contact @email for more information and to join!