Campus Building on Spring

Computer Application & Office Technologies

Computer Applications and Office Technologies Department

Welcome to CAOT Department

The Computer Applications and Office Technologies Department (CAOT) has consistently made a valuable contribution in assisting students to meet their goals for employment or advancement in employment, college transfer, or personal enrichment in the office technologies field. As society and business rely more heavily on technology, new jobs and career opportunities in this area continue to expand. The employment outlook is excellent for persons who are well-qualified and up to date with the latest office technology. Salaries are excellent and tied to training and education.

New! Complete certificates and degrees 100% online.

We offer many certificates and degrees to choose from. Our program prepares students to use computer applications and business procedures to solve problems in modern-day business/office environments. These courses are applicable in many career ladders including vocational training and career advancement. CAOT's certificates allow student to advance gradually, starting with our Skill Certificates, then building to Certificates of Achievement and culminating in an Associate of Arts Degree.

Visit Certificate Application page to learn how to complete our certificates and degrees online.

New! Are you sad, stressed, or worried?

STAND at ELAC is a remote, confidential emotional health program free for most ELAC students.

Visit to get started and learn more about how you can win a $50 gift card!

Also visit ELAC Student Health Center

CAOT Course Descriptions


Contact Information


Dept. Location: E7 - 420


Dr. Ann Mahrenholz, Chairperson
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 265-8928

Social Media