Computer Applications and Office Technologies (CAOT)
Computer Applications and Office Technologies (CAOT)
This course provides basic training in proper keyboard technique and use of the computer to build speed and accuracy. Correct keying of letters, envelopes, tables, memorandums, and reports is also introduced, as well as proofreading with accuracy.
This course provides a thorough training in keying business and personal letters, tables, manuscripts, and memoranda on computers using word processing software. Emphasis is placed on keyboarding techniques, improving speed and accuracy on timed writings, and developing proofreading skills.
This course provides the framework for understanding business language and terminology used by business and technology professionals. Students gain an understanding of the rules of building and analyzing business terms from word origins and learn correct pronunciation, definitions, and spelling.
In this introductory course in business writing logical thought and critical evaluation of communication are stressed. Topics covered include the techniques of writing all types of business letters, with emphasis on the application letter; review of the fundamentals of grammar, spelling, and punctuation; and development of business vocabulary. Students develop oral communication skills through presentation of reports.
This course is an intensive study of the principles of manual and computerized alphabetic filing. A study of the field of records management, automated records systems, retrieval, retention, and transfer methods, and charge-out and follow-up procedures are discussed. Electronic records management concepts are also introduced.
This course helps students enrich their vocabulary and develop their spelling ability. Emphasis is placed on commonly misspelled words and definition of commonly confused word pairs and terminology related to the business and technology fields.
This course provides students with the basis for understanding the concepts of information systems and their role in business. Emphasis is placed on the components of the computer, including the system unit and input, output, storage, and communication devices; application software; systems software; networks and the Internet; and privacy and security issues. Concepts and methods are applied through the completion of hands-on computer-based projects using spreadsheet and database software that seek solutions to business problems.
This course is designed to raise awareness, prompt thinking, give step-by-step suggestions for improvement, and provide information on how an organization can deliver service excellence. The information is beneficial whether one is new to dealing with others in a business setting or is more experienced with internal customers (e.g., coworkers or other employees) and external customers (e.g., consumers, vendors, or other end users of products). Emphasis is placed on communication, diversity, technology, time management, stress management, and customer retention.
This course provides hands-on training in the introduction to the basic concepts and functions of the Microsoft Office Suite including Word (word processing), Excel (spreadsheet), Access (database), and PowerPoint (presentation graphics).
This course provides information and hands-on training using Microsoft Word. Students learn beginning and advanced concepts and functions and apply their skills and knowledge to a wide variety of simple and complex documents, such as letters, memoranda, columnar tables, text tables, manuscripts, mail merge, and graphics. Upon completion of this course, students are eligible to take the Microsoft Office Specialist Word exam.
This course is designed to teach office spreadsheet applications using the PC and a spreadsheet program. Students learn to create, edit, format, and print worksheets. Emphasis is placed on preparing computerized worksheets by inserting formulas and functions to analyze data and simplifying office accounting procedures.
This course teaches the fundamentals of database creation and management. Students learn to create, edit, format, and print database objects, including tables, forms, reports, queries, and macros. Creating and using PivotTables and sharing database information with other software applications are also covered.
This course provides an in-depth study of a Windows operating system, Windows 10. Covers the Windows 10 environment, the Windows 10 desktop, folder and file management, personal information management and communication, developing a personal work environment, and customizing the computer using the control panel.
This course provides hands-on implementation skills in using multimedia tools to create and maintain Web sites. Students develop multiphase Web sites for the high-tech office environment that incorporate links, graphics, animation, and other multimedia capabilities using Web-authoring software.
This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of presentation creation, enhancement, and modification. Students learn to create, edit, format, show, and print presentations including the use of PowerPoint templates, outlines, pictures, charts, tables, animation, video and sound.
This course emphasizes the use of Microsoft Outlook for e-mail, calendar and scheduling, and managing contacts.
This course is intended for students wishing to enroll for the first time in an online class. It covers the basic navigation of the online environment including how to post to forums, take quizzes, submit assignments, and other common online skills focusing on, but not limited to canvas, as well as the soft skills needed to be successful in an online environment.
This course is a basic first course in planning and designing an electronic portfolio that can be used throughout the student’s program of study in any field. The electronic portfolio can be used as an ongoing professional resource to display students’ achievements and progress, showcase experiences and collections of works, as well as used as a valuable job search tool. This course focuses on the techniques and skills needed to develop the electronic portfolio, the contents of which are stored digitally and are accessible on the Internet.
This course introduces students to application development for both Android and iOS platforms. Students receive hands-on experience using MIT App Inventor. The course centers around building several small applications which utilize and effectively integrate specific features of an Android and iOS devices such as user interface, process creation, life cycle events, network/Web access, sound, multimedia, GPS, accelerometer, and other on-device sensors. Students learn about the mobile device and application market, how to register with the Google Play Store and Apple App Store to be an application developer, and what is involved in distributing their applications to both the Android and iOS user population.
This course is designed for those interested in understanding and using the power of social media. Students learn to use social media to promote and expand their online presence while developing meaningful relationships. Students learn to choose social media sites to find people in target markets, engage users, and build valuable relationships that can lead to sales and job opportunities. Topics covered include creating and building a fan base, web marketing, and building traffic to websites and business.
International Business (INTBUS)
This foundation course in international trade provides a global Logistics and international marketing perspective to importing and exporting. From world trade agreements and regulations to practices and procedures, the course surveys the global business environment, international supply chain management, international market entry, international contracts, terms of trade, terms of payment, currency of payment, documentation, U.S. Customs, and completive advantage strategies.
This course examines the global transport systems used in importing and exporting. Emphasis is given to the role of ocean, air, land, and multimodal transport infrastructures as key components of international supply chain management operations. Supporting international trade topics include commercial terms of trade, commercial and transportation documents, insurance, packaging for export, Logistics infrastructure and security, and United States Customs clearance.
This course provides hands-on working knowledge in the business of exports, its procedures and required documentation. The course covers the export transaction from inception to receipt of payment. Topics include: Evaluation of a company’s export readiness and potential, market research, identification of the best export markets, costing, quotations, letters of credit, major export products, marketing, terms of sale, marine insurance, transportation, sales contracts, documentation, and U.S. export controls.
This course focuses on international trade strategies and techniques and presents an overview of importing terms. The concepts of management, finance, operations, law, communications, marketing, and ethics as they apply to imports are discussed. Topics include: Overseas purchasing, import operations, U.S. government regulations, finance, documentation, record keeping, international trade treaties, and global culture. Additionally, the class covers bilateral trade relations, unique country profiles, and product sourcing modalities. U.S. and World Customs duty rate structure and the role of customs brokers and freight forwarders are highlighted. International currency transactions, storage, distribution, and transportation are also discussed.
Logistics (LOGTIC)
This course introduces the technology that is used within global logistics. The emphasis is on state-of-the-art technologies and practices found within the mobile workforce and dynamic worksite environments that enable global commerce. Topics include handheld devices used in sales, inventory, and real-time tracking, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) used in distribution, GPS (Global Positioning Satellites) used in transportation, an introduction to global value networks, and a survey of global supply chain logistics careers.
This course introduces the concepts, terminology, and practices found within the government regulations and commercial operations of global supply chains logistics, which are applicable throughout the manufacturing, distribution, wholesale, retail, and various transportation industries.
This course introduces basic records and inventory management principles, practices, and software applications that support global supply chain logistics. The course teaches standard inventory concepts, procedures, and technologies that are used to maintain Records Management systems that sustain global manufacturers, distribution centers, wholesale suppliers, retail networks, and transportation industries.
This course introduces the fundamental knowledge, skills, and competencies to accomplish the critical workplace activities that are common to all logistics facilities across a global supply chain. Successful completion of this course prepares students to be eligible to take a foundational-level material handling industry certification exam.
This course introduces environmentally sustainable concepts, technology, and ‘Green’ sustainable logistics practices within transportation geography, along with mid-technical level material handling competencies. Fundamental Geographic Information System (GIS) functions are introduced through hands-on training with route scheduling software. Successful completion of this course prepares students to be eligible to take a mid-level logistics industry material handling certification exam.
This course is designed to provide 21st Century leadership skills and theories in a logistics environment. This course introduces the logistics environment, leading vs. managing, the key elements of leadership, the interrelationship between trait and behavioral leadership theories, influencing, communicating, coaching/mentoring, conflict resolution, team logistics leadership, ethics and diversity, and developing a logistics leadership culture.
This course explains how electronic commerce technological infrastructure, economic forces, and international characteristics are transforming 21st century business. Course case studies focus on how companies use e-commerce to create new products and services that require advanced processing methods and supply chain logistics operations. Additional topics include e-commerce definitions (business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer, business-to-government), social networking, mobile commerce, e-commerce application/ software, e-security, Web marketing, online auctions, and e-payment.
This course is designed with OSHA standards in order to establish, maintain and foster a culture of safety. This course covers OSHA standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Successful completion of this course earns students the OSHA general industry authorization card.