Groups of Senior Students in a Classroom

CCE Transportation


Transportation Logo



This sector is designed to provide a foundation in transportation services for all industrial technology education students in California. There are eight focus areas that fall under the Transportation sector, each with different career opportunities. The focus areas are On-Road; Off-Road; Stationary; Rail; Water/Sea; Air; Space; and Small Engines and Specialty Equipment. The pathways in the Transportation sector emphasize real-world, occupationally relevant experiences of significant scope and depth in three areas: Operations, Structural Repair and Refinishing, and Systems Diagnostics, Service, and Repair.

The standards are designed to integrate academic and technical preparation and focus on career awareness, career exploration, and skill preparation in the three pathways. Integral components include classroom, laboratory, and hands-on contextual learning; project- and work-based instruction; and leadership development. The standards in this sector prepare students for continued training, postsecondary education, and entry to a career.


Dr. Juan Urdiales
Email: @email
Office Location: G1-204D
Phone: 323-265-8610


Adrian Banuelos
Email: @email
Dept. Location: P1-112
Phone: 323-265-8726


  • Operations
  • Structural Repair and Refinishing
  • Systems Diagnostics, Service, and Repair


  • Automotive Customer Service Management
  • Undercar Specialist

  • Automobile Technology
  • Cooling Systems and Climate Control Specialist
  • Drivetrain Specialist
  • Engine Performance and Drivability

  • Automobile Technology