Information and Communication Technologies
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have expanded the need for employees who can understand, manage, and support all rapidly emerging, evolving, and converging computer, software, networking, telecommunications, Internet, programming, and information systems. Essential skills for careers in the ICT sector include understanding systems that support the management and flow of data, the ability to work well and communicate clearly with people, and the ability to manage projects efficiently. The ICT sector meets national criteria for high demand, high wages, and high skills and provides students with excellent opportunities for interesting work and good pay. More than 70 percent of jobs in this sector will require a bachelor's degree or higher by 2018.
Manufacturing and Product Design
- Information Support & Services
- Media Support & Services
- Network Communication
- Programming & Systems Development
- Computer Applications and Office Technologies
- Logistics
- Leadership in Global Logistics
- Logistics Material Handling Certification
- Mobile Apps
- Social Media
- Technology and Logistics Level 1
- Technology and Logistics Level 2
- Administrative Assistant
- Clerical Assistant
- Customer Service Representative
- Executive Assitant
- Internet Specialist
- Legal Secretary
- Office Assistant
- Office Systems Specialist
- Technology & Logistics
- Word Information Processor
- Executive Assistant
- Legal Secretary
- Office Systems Specialist
- Technology & Logistics