Groups of Senior Students in a Classroom

CCE Architecture


Engineering and Architecture Logo


This sector is designed to provide a foundation in engineering, architecture, and design for students in California. Students are engaged in an instructional program that integrates academic and technical preparation and focuses on career awareness, career exploration, and career preparation in four pathways that emphasize real-world, occupationally relevant experiences of significant scope and depth: Architectural Design; Engineering Technology; Engineering Design; and Environmental Engineering. To prepare students for continued training, advanced educational opportunities, and direct entry to a career, the Engineering and Architecture programs offer the following components: classroom, laboratory, and hands-on contextual learning; project- and work-based instruction; and leadership and interpersonal skills development.


Scott Callihan
Dept. Location: E7-112D
Phone: 323-265-8802


Manufacturing and Product Design

  • Architectural Design
  • Engineering Technology
  • Engineering Design
  • Environmental Engineering


  • Architecture
  • Environmental Design
  • Transportation Planning

  • Architectural Computer-Aided Design AutoCAD
  • Architectural Computer-Aided Desing 3D Modeling
  • Architectural Detailing
  • Architectural Graphics
  • Architectural History
  • Architectural Professional Practice I
  • Architectural Professional Practice II
  • Architectural Transportation Planning

  • Architectural Computer-Aided Design
  • Architectural Design
  • Architectural Drafting
  • Architectural Drawing

  • Architectural Computer-Aided Design
  • Architectural Drafting