Student Center Garden

Student Health Center - Mental Health

Mental Health Services & Resources

The Student Health Center offers a variety of services to support your mental health. Students are encouraged to take advantage of these options:

Individual therapy

Individual therapy sessions are available via telehealth with therapists through our medical provider, Via Care. To make an appointment, please call the on-campus clinic at (323) 265-8651.

STAND at ELAC Program

Remote and confidential digital wellness program free* for most ELAC students. You can access services through your desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone.

STAND is an acronym for the Screening & Treatment for Anxiety & Depression. Use STAND to keep track of your mental wellness; engage in digital wellness modules & peer coaching; get clinical care when needed.

STAND is a partnership between UCLA, the LA County Department of Mental Health, and the ELAC Student Health Center.

To find out more register at all it takes is 10 minutes to get started.

Click here for STAND at ELAC Program Flyer

Support Groups

Free support groups conducted in a group setting with our community partners. Current groups are facilitated by:
Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse (L.A. CADA)​

Men’s Healing Group
Mondays at 6pm
Facilitator: Gilbert Vasquez
Register by emailing: @email
Meeting ID: (248) 854-6953
Passcode: mcp9MG

Road to Recovery Group
Tuesdays at 6pm
Facilitator: Gilbert Vasquez
Register by emailing: @email
Links to all groups can be found here:

ELAC Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Support Center

Specialized therapy & services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and human trafficking.

The ELAC Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Support Center provides education, resources, and support to students of any gender who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, etc. or who would like information on healthy relationships. Remote services available. Services provided by the East LA Women's Center.

Please contact Campus Advocate,   Daniela Herrera, Email: Call or text at (323) 389-5330

24/7 Hotline (800) 585-6531.

Contact Information

Office Hours and Location

Summer and Fall 2023 Semester Open
Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed
Closed on LACCD holidays.


For medical or mental health appointments or to request your medical records, please call the on-campus clinic: (323) 265-8651. Services provided by Via Care, under contract with ELAC.

Student Health Center
Location: F5-302

To contact ELAC (non-Via Care) Student Health Center staff, please email @email. ELAC staff cannot schedule appointments & do not have access to your medical records.
For medical and behavioral therapy services, please call: (323) 265-8651

Social Media
Follow us on Instagram @elacstudenthealth



In case of emergency,
call ELAC Sheriff:
Phone: (323) 265-8800 or call 911