Sheriff's Academy
Sheriff Academy—ADMJUS 98 & Fire Academy Training - FIRETEK 035
VA Education Benefits
Veterans with remaining VA GI Bill® eligibility can use their earned VA GI Bill® benefits while attending the Los Angeles County Sheriff Academy and Fire Academy. In order to certify for VA Educational Benefits at ELAC during your training at either of the Academies, you will need to submit the following documents to the School Certifying Official*:
- DD-214 (Member 4)
- Certificate of Eligibility from VA
- Graduation Certificate or Academy Letter (Start & End Dates)
- Copy of your Sheriff / Fire Academy ID Card
- Certification Form (Available online or by clicking here: ELAC VA Educational Benefits Certification Form)
The School Certifying Official assigned to the Sheriff and Fire Academy is Raziel Vela. He can be reached by email at @email or LiveChat:
Live Chat with School Certifying Official
If you are interested in pursuing an Associates Degree or plan to transfer to a four year university, schedule an appointment to meet with a VRC Academic Counselor.
Applying for VA Benefits
Applying for your VA education benefits can be done in just a few steps:
- Apply online today if you know which benefit you want to use
- Consult with the ELAC VA Certifying Official—This official has application forms and can help you apply
- Call 1-888-GI BILL-1 (888 442-4551) to have the application mailed to you
Once benefits have been applied for, that date will be used for back pay purposes once benefit is approved.
Example: Applicant puts application into VA on July 1st, but is not accepted until September 30 due to lengthy processing time, applicant will receive back pay for July, August and September
For more information visit the Benefits VA Website