Request VA Certification
Request VA Certification
Student veterans and dependents using VA educational benefits must submit a VA certification request for each term (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) they wish to use VA educational benefits. Click here for a direct link to complete the VA Certification Form online (you will be required to login using your LACCD student ID and password):
- ELAC student veterans must report ANY schedule changes (new adds, drops, withdrawals, section transfers, change to P/NP or EW, etc.) within one business week to the Veterans Resource Center. Failure to submit these updates to the ELAC School Certifying Official in a timely manner may result in holds on your ELAC student account, over or under payments to you (the student), to the VA, and/or ELAC, delayed VA payments, and/or other penalties.
- VRC students who wish to certify a course at another college must confirm ELAC equivalency with the VRC counselor beforehand.
- VRC students are expected to meet with the VRC counselor at least once per full-term semester (about every 6 months).
- Requested courses are not listed on your ed plan as GE or major requirements. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Requested courses are on "waitlist" status.
Need to update your Student Educational Plan? Message us on Cranium Cafe to schedule a counseling appointment.
You can use your VA educational benefits for independent and distance learning online. However, if you’re using your VA educational benefits while taking only distance-learning courses (Asynchronous) at ELAC, the VA will only pay a housing allowance based on 50% of the national average.
When selecting your courses from the ELAC course catalog, you can tell which courses have undergone a conversion by looking at the listed class times:
- Courses listed with with specific meeting schedules (example: Wednesday 7:10PM-10:00PM) were converted to online and so will be certified as "In-Resident" units. LACCD classifies these courses as "Synchronous Online" courses.
- Courses listed with self-paced hours (example: 4HR 15Min/ WK TBA) were already intended to be online and so will be certified as "Online" or "Distance" units. LACCD classifies these courses as "Asynchronous Online" courses.
- Courses listed with specific meeting schedules (example: Wednesday 7:10PM-10:00PM) AND self-paced hours (example: 4HR 15Min/ WK TBA) are considered "Hybrid" courses and will be certified as as "In-Resident" units. LACCD classifies these courses as "Synchronous Online" & "Asynchronous Online" courses.