Young Student Smilling

C.A.R.E Program

CARE Program

Welcome to the C.A.R.E. Program:

I am a SINGLE Parent, what is your Super Power?

Father and Daughter Reading

C.A.R.E. Scholar Christopher Flores is currently dually enrolled at ELAC and Pacific Oaks, he is working on his Bachelor’s Degree and plans on pursuing a Graduate Degree in Education.

Mother and Daughter with Super Mom Banner

C.A.R.E. Scholar Christine Waters graduated with an Associate’s Degree in General Studies, and will be Transferring to UCLA as a Gender Studies Major for the Fall of 2016!

Program Description

The C.A.R.E. (Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education) Program at East Los Angeles College is a state funded student support program within E.O.P.S. for SINGLE PARENTS! To be eligible student parents must be enrolled in the EOPS Program, be a single parent, head of household, receive cash assistance for self &/or children from CalWorks or TANF, be 18 years old or older, and be enrolled in 12 units each semester. For more information please click on the links to the left, or call the EOPS Office at (323) 265-8769. New student applications are taken twice a year, June and December! (subject to change)

CARE Outreach Flyer

Online Chat with the EOPS. CARE & Cafyes-Next-Up
You can chat with the EOPS, CARE & Cafyes-NextUp department by clicking on the chat feature below. Due to FERPA we can only
answer general questions, we are unable to provide details about your case.


Video chat on Cranium Cafe with EOPS.CAFYES.CARES

Join our EOPS Zoom Room for any questions

Monday - Thursday 1:00PM - 4:00PM

Contact Information

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Fridays: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Saturdays and Sundays: Closed

Student Services Building (E1 - 227)


EOPS & CARE, Google Voice
Phone: (323) 680-4758
