ELAC Campus and Buildings

Guided Self-Placement

Alternative Assessment

Students who are not eligible for Multiple Measures (primary assessment) are invited to participate in the alternative assessment known as Guided Self-Placement. Students are assisted as they select their own English and Math Placement. To better understand all available options, please read the following:

Changes due to AB 705 (state legislation)
  • ELAC students are no longer required to complete English 19, 21, and 28. As a result, all students may enroll directly into College Reading and Composition courses (no clearance necessary).
  • ELAC students are no longer required to complete Math 105, 110, 115, and 125. As a result, all students may enroll directly into select Transfer-Level Math courses (no clearance necessary).

*English 19, 21, 28 and Math 105, 110, 115 are no longer offered at ELAC.

English Placement Options

Select and enroll directly into one of the following College Reading and Composition courses:

  • English 101 - College Reading and Composition I
  • English 101Z - College Reading and Composition I (Plus 3 Hour Lab)
  • E.S.L. 110 - College Reading and Composition for Non-Native Speakers

Students who prefer classroom support may consider English 101Z. Students with an English Learner background may consider E.S.L. 110. Please inform the Assessment Center of your selection so that an official "English Placement" message is added.

English Learners who do not feel prepared for College Reading and Composition are invited to participate in the English as a Second Language (ESL) assessment.

Math Placement Options

Students with completion of Intermediate Algebra (or equivalent) may enroll directly into one of the following Transfer-Level Math courses:

  • Math 215 - Principles Of Mathematics I
  • Math 227 or 227S - Statistics
  • Math 230 - Mathematics For Liberal Arts Students
  • Math 235 - Finite Mathematics
  • Math 241 or 241S - Trigonometry With Vectors
  • Math 245 - College Algebra

Students who prefer classroom support may consider Math 227S and Math 241S. Please inform the Assessment Center of your selection so that an official "Math Placement" message is added.

Students who do not feel prepared for Transfer-Level Math courses OR are unsure which math course to select (due to major) should speak with a counselor. Students interested in a recommended placement may participate in a process known as Math Guided Self-Placement. This option also helps verify eligibility for Precalculus and Calculus.

Math Guided Self-Placement

This option serves as a guide for self-placement only. It does not replace counseling advisement. The process involves completing a questionnaire where students share their familiarity of different math concepts (Arithmetic to Precalculus). Based on their math background and Math Department guidelines, students will receive one of the following recommendations:

  • Math 215, 227, 230, 245
  • Math 235, 236, 241
  • Math 260 or 260S - Precalculus
  • Math 261 - Calculus I

Students who are unsure which math course to select (due to major) should speak with a counselor. Please contact the Assessment Center to obtain a Math Guided Self-Placement form (if applicable).


The Assessment Center will be closed:

Monday, March 31
Cesar Chavez Holiday

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Office Hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Friday to Sunday: Closed

Contact Information

Office: E1-183
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 415-4141