ELAC Letters Entrance

Mathematics Department 

Mission Statement

The Mathematics Department of East Los Angeles College promotes and strives for excellence in the teaching and learning of mathematics; providing a foundation for critical thinking, logic and problem solving. The Department empowers a diverse student population to pursue educational and professional opportunities with well developed quantitative skills. The mathematics curriculum includes the calculus sequence, differential equations, statistics, finite mathematics, and linear algebra; providing the lower division classes necessary for a major in mathematics as well as mathematical support for majors in the physical and social sciences, engineering, computer technology, business, economics, electronics, and architecture.

Great Teachers

With 34 regular and approximate 55 adjunct instructors, you will be sure to find that one teacher who fits your learning style. We offer classes morning, afternoon, and evening Monday through Friday, and also morning and afternoon classes on Saturday to fit anyone's work or family schedule. Our instructors have Master and Ph.D. degrees in applied and pure mathematics from the best universities and they have been specifically hired because of their profound understanding of mathematics and their strong ability to teach mathematics to college students. We have an active Mathematics Club. Our students participate annually in the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (AMATYC) mathematics contest and consistently score in the top ten nationwide. Our students also participate in the Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) program on campus as well as the Jet Propulsion Lab Undergraduate Scholar ( JPLUS) program which recognizes each year an outstanding student from each of the 40 or so community colleges in the Los Angeles area.

High-Tech Classrooms

Many of our classrooms are equipped with computers and projectors that allow students to apply the latest technology to their study of mathematics. This is especially useful in the study of statistics in which data sets are entered into the computer that can organize and display large amounts of data. This allows one to draw useful inferences and perform hypothesis testing. The math department offers TI-83/84 graphing calculators for rent each semester. The TI-83/84 helps one to better understand algebra, calculus and statistics. Our computers have mathematical software such as MAPLE that is useful in the study of linear algebra and differential equations. We are also proud of our Math Lab that provides walk-in tutoring and computers with mathematical software.

University Transfer

Our college level courses (200 level) all have been articulated with the UC and CSU systems. Most students need at least one college level math course to transfer to a UC or CSU college or university.  

The Math department offers courses for STEM students starting with Trigonometry and Precalculus, the Calculus sequence, and beyond.  The Math department offers several courses for Business and Liberal Arts majors including Statistics, Math for Liberal Arts, and College Algebra. 

Degree programs include AA, AS, or AST in Mathematics.  

Please refer to the catalog for the degree requirements. 

Math courses are also available at the
South Gate Educational Center
2340 Firestone Blvd., South Gate, CA 90280
Call 323.357.6200 for enrollment information.

Career Connections

An individual with a mathematics background can aspire to many different careers. A large number of mathematics majors go into finance and actuarial work. Many of the physical sciences require a broad understanding of mathematics such as physics, astronomy, and chemistry. Electrical, electronic, aeronautical and civil engineers rely heavily upon mathematics. Designers of buildings, bridges, airplanes, ships need mathematics for safe and practical designs. Software engineers use the logical abilities that the study of mathematics develops in a person. Many math majors become teachers and/or researchers. The study of statistics allows one to work in areas that need to analyze large amounts of data such as government or industry. The career possibilities in mathematics are great and you are only limited by how hard you work and how much you learn.

Admission is Easy

Anyone 18 years or older qualifies for admission to East Los Angeles College. People under 18 qualify if they graduate from high school or if they have passed the California High School Proficiency Test. High school students may concurrently enroll at ELAC with the consent of their parents and high school and get an early start on their college education and pay no tuition.

Applications and information to register for day and evening classes are available from the Admissions Office by calling 323.265.8966


Contact Information

Math Department Location

Office Location: G5-111

Math Department Chair's  Office

Location: G5-LL009


Gabriel Castro, Chairperson
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 267-3765                                      Office: G5-LL009

Marisol Naranjo
Math Dept. Secretary
Email: @email
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