Transfer Workshops
Transfer Workshops

Common Application
Attend this workshop and learn about the process of how to navigate the Common Application for private universities, how to select from over 600 private universities, and know the differences between public and private university options.
Fall 2024 Workshops
- Register Here Tuesday, November 19, 12PM-1:30PM (Online)
- Register Here Monday, December 9, 12PM-1:30PM (Online)
Additional Common Application Videos:
- "How To Videos" for all sections of the Common Application - Presented by SBCC Transfer Center

CSU Application
Attend this workshop and learn about the process on how to navigate the Cal State Apply application for the California State University (CSU) system. Learn about the requirements of a CSU, and the breakdown on information regarding each section of the application.
Fall 2024 Workshops
- Wednesday, October 2, 12PM-1:30PM (In Person @ D7)
- Register Here Thursday, October 10, 12PM-1:30PM (Online)
- Wednesday, October 16, 12PM-1:30PM (In Person @ D7)
- Register Here Monday, October 28, 12PM-1:30PM (Online)
- Register Here Monday, November 18, 12PM-1:30PM (Online)
Additional CSU Application Videos:
- "How To Videos" for all sections of the CSU Application - Presented by SBCC Transfer Center

Transfer 101
Transfer 101 provides an introduction to the transfer process & application requirements. Topics include: the different systems of higher education, steps of applying to transfer, how to pay for college & different transfer resources universities have to offer. Gain a better understanding of what is needed to transfer to the four-year university of your choice.
Fall 2024 Workshops
- Tuesday, September 10, 12PM-1:30PM (In Person @ D7)
- Register Here Tuesday, September 24, 12PM-1:30PM (Online)
- Monday, October 7, 12PM-1:30PM (In Person @ D7)

UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)
Transfer with a Guarantee! UC TAG is an opportunity that guarantees admission to one of the six participating UC’s. Learn about the benefits of applying to UCs, and what they are looking for. Get a chance to create your Transfer Admission Planner (TAP) and see if you are eligible to TAG to a university. This workshop covers the application process and guidance on major prep and general education coursework.
Fall 2024 Workshops
- Register Here Thursday, September 12, 12PM-1:30PM (Online)
- Wednesday, September 18, 12PM-1:30PM (In Person @ D7)
- Register Here Thursday, September 26, 12PM-1:30PM (Online)
Additional UC TAG Videos:
- "How To Videos" for all sections of the UC TAP - Presented by SBCC Transfer Center

UC Application
Attend this workshop to learn more about the requirements for the University of California (UC) system, and how to navigate the UC application. We will guide you step by step and provide useful information that will help you to better understand the process of applying to a UC.
Fall 2024 Workshops
- Tuesday, October 8, 12PM-1:30PM (In Person @ D7)
- Register Here Monday, October 14, 12PM-1:30PM (Online)
- Tuesday, October 22, 12PM-1:30PM (In Person @ D7)
- Register Here Tuesday, November 12, 12PM-1:30PM (Online)
Additional UC Application Videos:
- "How To Videos" for all sections of the UC Application - Presented by SBCC Transfer Center

UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQ)
Learn about the UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs); the essay portion of the UC application. Discover strategies and tips to best format and advocate for yourself. We will do a deep dive on each personal insight question. Come learn more about PIQ’s and start to brainstorm some ideas here with us!
Fall 2024 Workshops
- Wednesday, October 9, 12PM-1:30PM (In Person @ D7)
- Register Here Tuesday, October 15, 12PM-1:30PM (Online)
- Wednesday, October 23, 12PM-1:30PM (In Person @ D7)
- Register Here Wednesday, November 13, 12PM-1:30PM (Online)
Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T)
This workshop provides information on the differences between an Associate Degree for Transfer (AD-T) and an Associate Degree (AA), howto apply for the AD-T, the transfer benefits of this degree, and the application timeline.
Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship
Interested in learning about scholarship opportunities and receiving up to $55,000 per year to fund your transfer university expenses? Come learn more about this great opportunity, the process, requirements and deadlines to apply for the Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship.
Transfer Financial Aid and Scholarships
Attend this workshop to get a more comprehensive understanding about financial aid and other financial resources available to transfer students. Topics include: types of financial aid, cost of attendance for different institutions, and developing strategies to pay for school.

Nursing Transfer 101
Are you interested in transferring as a Nursing major? Not sure how to get started or which route to take? Explore the different paths you can take to become a Registered Nurse! Topics include: prerequisites/requirements to apply for nursing programs, Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) vs. Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (BSN) programs, understanding TEAS and NCLEX Exams, scholarships, and other resources available to you!
Undocumented Transfer Workshop
Learn about the transfer process to a four-year university as an undocumented and/or AB540 student (UC’s, CSU’s, Privates). Find out about undocumented friendly universities and the resources they offer, along with information on the financial aid process.
Applied? What's Next?
Already submitted transfer applications? Congrats! Attend this workshop to find out what your next steps are. Topics include: transitioning to a four-year university, applying for financial aid, accepting your offer of admissions, and more.
Admissions Appeal Process
Didn’t get into the school of your choice? Attend this workshop to reevaluate your application and submit an appeal letter for admissions decision reconsideration. Appeals can include, but are not limited to: new and extenuating information, providing proof of transcripts and other documents, etc.