ELAC Campus and Buildings

Career Services FAQs

Career Services FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Career Counseling Appointments

Appointments are scheduled on Fridays for the following week. You can schedule an appointment in person or over the phone. Appointments are usually scheduled for 30-60 minutes. Please click here for our contact information.

The Career & Job Services Center welcomes students from their first day on campus. The Career Counselors are happy to discuss potential majors and careers with you from your first semester to after you leave ELAC and have moved into the workforce.

Absolutely not. A resume is not necessary to make an appointment with a career counselor. To make most use of your appointment time we recommend you bring a copy of an old resume or a list of positions you’ve had. If you have never created a resume don’t worry, our counselors will assist you!

We offer two types of interview appointments:

  1. Interview Preparation Appointment: Geared to help you brainstorm how to answer questions during an interview.
  2. Mock Interview: Mock interviews help students identify best ways to answer traditional or behavior based questions and learn what is expected in a job interview. During a mock interview session, a counselor provides constructive feedback on all aspects of the job interview process. Even though this is a practice interview, it is recommended you come dressed professionally to your appointment.

It is recommended you RSVP for the workshops. Stop by the center or contact us to sign up.

Declaring a Major

All students are required to declare a major by the time they complete 15 degree applicable units. Degree applicable units are units you can count towards a certificate, degree, or transfer.

We know that choosing a major can be difficult with so many options! Begin asking yourself:

  • What do I like to do (interests)? What am I passionate about? What do I want to learn about?
  • Who am I and how do I related to others (personality)?
  • What do I do well and what do I want to develop (strengths)?
  • What is important to me (values)?

Remember that choosing a major is not always the same as choosing a career. Schedule an Intake Appointment to explore your major options.

No, a major or degree does not determine what job you have to choose. Many majors will allow you to find work in many different fields as long as you have the necessary experience.

For most occupations, you do not have to have a specific major. There are some exceptions, such as nursing or engineering, which require you to have a specific degree.

The first step is to set up an appointment with a career counselor. Bear in mind that academic choices and career choices are not the same. A major does not equal a specific career. If you're a Sociology major, that doesn't mean that you are limited to becoming a Sociologist. There are many career paths you can pursue with a Sociology major. Many employers are more concerned with transferable skills than one's major. In the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Job Outlook 2016 report, employers indicated they are looking for students with strong written communication skills, problem solving skills, verbal communication, strong work ethic, leadership skills, and the ability to work as a team player. A liberal arts degree can help you develop the transferable skills required for many jobs. Liberal arts majors do not restrict graduates to a few career choices; rather, they allow for a number of different career options.

A major is a group of courses required in order to receive a degree –– an area you specialize in, like Accounting or Chemistry. There are certain "core courses" in the specialization that everyone is required to take.

A career is an occupation, trade, profession, or vocation. It refers to what a person does to earn a living.

Career planning is an ongoing process. You can increase your chances of choosing a career that’s the best fit for you by “testing the waters” before graduation. By gaining targeted experience through part-time jobs, volunteering, or internships during college, you can experience first-hand what a career and its working environment is like.

When considering a career change, you will find that self-exploration and thorough career research could be of great importance and value in helping you make the right choice. Take a career assessment to find your strengths & passions.

The career assessments are a great avenue to understand more about yourself including your interests, preferences, skills and values. The career assessments can help you choose a major, narrow your career focus or find the right career fit for your career change. To take the career assessments, contact the Career & Job Services Center to schedule a 30 minute Career Intake appointment. During the intake appointment the counselor will provide you with the instructions to take the appropriate online assessment.

Job/Internship Opportunities

We provide a list of job and internship opportunities on our online job database at http://www.studentcentral.com/. You can also come by the center and view the Job and Internship board for local listings. Additionally, we collaborate with the build LACCD interns program to help students find internships within the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD). The program offers exciting paid internships in a wide range of occupations in a variety of disciplines including construction management, architecture, engineering, computer graphics, film, marketing, business management, customer service, and many more. If interested, please schedule an appointment with the LACCD representative to discuss internship opportunities at our office or visit www.laccdinterns.org.

The center does not place students in jobs. Our Career Counselors can help you gain the tools to apply and find job opportunities. The first step is to update your current resume/cover letter and begin applying to positions.

The Federal Work- Study (FWS) program is a federally funded program that enables students to earn part of their financial aid awards through part-time on-campus employment at specified locations approved by the Financial Aid Office. For more information please visit the Financial Aid Office or click here.

Not all positions on campus are federal work study. Some departments hire students who are not Federal Work Study. For an updated list of departments hiring on campus (that are not federal work study) please visit us.

Other Inquiries

Yes. ELAC Alumni can access our services by using the same login information as was established when you were a student.

Student computers are available at The Career & Job Services Center. (You CANNOT print from our computers).


Live Chat
11:00am - 1:00pm

ELAC Job Database

College Central services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and allows you to search, save, and instantly apply to opportunities that match your skills and interests. Activate your account today!

Click here for College Central Instructions Guide

College Central Instructions Guide


Career & Job Opportunities:



Upcoming Workshops & Events:

View Event Calendar for more details

General Information

Office Hours and Location

Monterey Park

Mondays-Thursdays: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Fridays: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Live Chat Available
Mondays to Thursdays: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM



Email: @email

Monterey Park: (323) 415-4126

South Gate: (323) 357-6216

South Gate

Wednesdays and Thursdays: 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Live Chat Available
Mondays to Thursdays: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

RM: 124

Social Media
