Husky Dog with East Los Angeles College Southeast Campus

Southeast Administration

Southeast Campus Administration

Welcome to The ELAC Southeast Campus!

We're delighted to have you join our community of lifelong learners as you continue your academic experience.

We pride ourselves as a small yet passionate group of staff and faculty committed to student success!

We strongly believe in collaboration with community partners and businesses to ensure your academic success.

The ELAC Southeast campus understands the community's needs and focuses on providing day, night, and online courses that meet our students' needs. We're incredibly excited to announce the new educational facility, which will be located on Firestone Blvd and Santa Fe Avenue by 2025!

It is our great honor to be your Deans of the ELAC Southeast Campus and part of the ELAC Family!

Go Huskies!

Portrait of Al Rios

Al Rios


Office: Southeast Campus
Email: @email

Portrait of Erica Mayorga

Erica Mayorga


Office: Southeast Campus
Email: @email

Contact Information




Phone: (323) 357-6200