Covid FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus that was first discovered in China in late December 2019. More information is available at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health online at:
The United States has declared a national emergency. It has been ordered by the California Governor Newsom and County Health Officer that “social distancing” and other methods such as self-quarantine must be used to prevent the community spread of COVID-19.
This includes limiting activities in which more than 10 people come together, including for schools and in-classroom instruction. Los Angeles County has enacted a “Safer at Home” order that limits many activities locally. The move to remote learning is an effort to ensure that your education can continue when it is not possible to have in-person classes.
The ELAC Libraries have created an online guide to point you to freely available textbooks during the COVID-19 crisis. To see if your course textbook is available, look for the tab with your course name (e.g. COMM, CHEM). Textbooks that are available will be listed here.
The majority of the free textbooks in this guide are temporarily available through May 25, 2020. Two major textbook companies, RedShelf and VitalSource, are making select titles available because of this crisis. For direct help with accessing books from these two companies, please contact RedShelf Student/Customer Support and/or VitalSource Contact Support directly.
From within the LACCD SIS Application:
1.- Click Key Links & Help”, then “Scholarship”.

2.- On the LACCD Foundation Page, click “Login Here”

3.- Click on the “Laptop Application” and complete.

These steps have been tested from mobile phones and verified that they work.
Use a telephone to call or use a smart phone to access the following information per provider. The District cannot guarantee the current status of any of these offers.
We have posted some information on our website too, at
Internet Service Providers with Available Options
Information Link:
How to Apply: Students/Faculty will need to call to apply 1-844-488-8395
Note: Wait times are high right now. 45min to 1.5 hours
Internet Essentials by Comcast:
Information Link:
Apply by April 30, 2020.
You are not an existing Xfinity Internet customer and have not subscribed to Xfinity Internet in the last 90 days.
How to Apply: Visit
Xfinity – Wi-Fi by Comcast
All Xfinity WiFi Public Hotspots are now open to everyone on the “xfinitywifi” SSID.
Public hotspots can be found in small/medium businesses and outdoors in commercial areas.
Non-Xfinity subscribers need to accept Terms and Conditions to access the network and repeat when requested to continue to receive free unlimited access. Please refer to the map below for available public hotspots.
How to find a hotspot:
Go to:
Enter your Zip Code or City. A map will show the closest locations. Instructions on how to connect are provided under the “Ready to Connect?” Section under the map
Please notify your professor immediately of your health status if sick. Please contact your healthcare provider for direction. We will be as supportive and flexible for you as possible. If needed, please reach out to the professor and college to request an incomplete, which will allow you to complete the work at a later time. Another option is to request an Excused Withdrawal, discussed below.
Will services still be available to me?
The colleges have not been providing in-person student services since March 16. Many student services are already available online via the student portal through SIS and the student portal. We are shifting as many student services into online, remote access and will provide updated information here when available. Check your student email for detailed information on online counseling and live chat.
I am having trouble with Canvas.
All LACCD students are advised to take steps now, before March 30, to click on the ”Getting Started” link at and to also review the online student guide for Canvas at
Students should also visit the “Distance Learning” webpages at their home college for additional resources. There are also many useful YouTube videos available on this topic, including
If you need help with Canvas, or logging into the Student Portal, call the toll free Student Help Line at (844) 695-2223, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
I am having trouble signing on to the student portal.
If you need help with Canvas, or logging into the Student Portal, call the toll free Student Help Line at (844) 695-2223, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Go to the Student Portal and log in.
Click on the Manage Classes tile/icon
From the drop-down menu, click on the Drop Classes option
Select class or classes you wish to drop, confirm and submit.
If you are receiving financial aid, you should work with your Financial Aid Office to determine the impact of dropping classes and if any repayments may be required.
Students who are U.S. Veterans receiving benefits must check with their Campus Certifying Officer first. Contact info is on the student portal.
The following only applies for Spring 2020: If you still choose to drop your classes as a result of the Coronavirus, we will work with you to make sure your academic record is not impacted. This will include the use of excused withdrawals, which do not impact your GPA for transfer or degree purposes. There is no need to make a request for this action. The college will convert your withdrawal (W) to an excused withdrawal (EW) automatically. This will also trigger a refund to your student account, if applicable.
Yes. A refund will be automatically processed for all students that request an excused withdrawal on or after March 20, 2020.
Yes. Go to
For Public Health information go to:
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health:
California Department of Public Health:
U.S. Centers for Disease Control: