Woman Explaining to a Girl

Financial Aid

Cost of Attendance

Estimated Cost of Attendance (COA)

Click here for the 2024-25 Cost of Attendance (COA) PDF

2024-25 Award-Year

Resident At Home COA
Costs Paid Directly to the College Fall & Spring Summer
Tuition/Fees $1,238 $616
Books & Supplies* $1,062 $531
Direct Costs Total: $2,300 $1,147
Costs Not Paid Directly to the College Fall & Spring  Summer
Living Expenses $12,753 $4,251
Transportation $1,791 $597
Personal $4,059 $1,353
Indirect Costs Total: $18,603 $6,201
Direct and Indirect Costs Total: $20,903 $7,348
Resident Away From Home COA
Costs Paid Directly to the College Fall & Spring Summer
Tuition/Fees $1,238 $616
Books & Supplies* $1,062 $531
Direct Costs Total: $2,300 $1,147
Costs Not Paid Directly to the College Fall & Spring Summer
Living Expenses $25,407 $8,469
Transportation $1,962 $654
Personal $4,968 $1,656
Indirect Costs Total: $32,337 $10,779
Direct and Indirect Costs Total: $34,637 $11,926
Non-Resident At Home COA
Costs Paid Directly to the College Fall & Spring Summer
Tuition/Fees $10,572 $5,283
Books & Supplies* $1,062 $531
Direct Costs Total: $11,634 $5,814
Costs Not Paid Directly to the College Fall & Spring Summer
Living Expenses $12,753 $4,251
Transportation $1,791 $597
Personal $4,059 $1,353
Indirect Costs Total: $18,603 $6,201
Direct and Indirect Costs Total: $30,237 $12,015
Non-Resident Away Form Home COA
Costs Paid Directly to the College Fall & Spring Summer
Tuition/Fees $10,572 $5,283
Books & Supplies* $1062 $531
Direct Costs Total: $11,634 $5,814
Costs Not Paid Directly to the College Fall & Spring  Summer
Living Expenses $25,407 $8,469
Transportation $1,962 $654


Indirect Costs Total:





Direct and Indirect Costs Total: $43,971 $16,593

* Books and Supplies costs vary depending on course, new, used, rental and e-books.

Student, who is not a CA Resident, requires to pay non-resident tuition fee in additional to the enrollment fees:

  • Non-resident fee is $359 per unit
  • Enrollment fee is calculated at $46/units at 13 units per semester
  • Rep fee is $2 per term
  • Health fee is $19 per term (fall/spring)
  • Health fee is $16 per term (winter/summer)

= 9 month budget enrollment fees is $1238
= 9 Month Budget, out of state and out of country Non-Resident Tuition Fees is $10,572
Summer Term Tuition Fee is $5,383

Click here to for the 2024-25 Cost of Attendance (COA) PDF

School Code

Federal School Code:

Dream Act School Code:
