ELAC Campus and Buildings

Register for Text & Email Alerts

The Blackboard Connect Emergency Notification System will be utilized to notify students, faculty and staff via SMS (text) and e-mail in the event of a campus emergency. If there are any questions, please refer to the FAQs below. If you still have questions regarding the emergency notification system, please contact the Information Technology Department at (323) 265-8700.

How to get Notified

Current Semester Students

When you applied to the college, there is a mobile number textbox that you should have filled out, that number will be used to send emergency notification to.

To update your number, you will need to access your Student SIS system and click on profile. In profile, you will have a @Contact hyperlink that will click. In that page you can update your mobile number there. That number will take 24-48 hours to update into the Blackboard System.

Unforuntately, we only add current ELAC students into our Emergency Notification System. You can register with our public notification system to receive text messages.


ELAC Employees

All employees are automatically on the emergency notification system. If you need to update your information please follow the procedure below.

Employees who want to add or update their emergency contact information on the Blackboard Connect system will have to log into their LACCD District SAP Portal (LACCD Portal). For instructions on how to update your mobile number into the SAP system, please access here.

Community or Public

Please access the following website and register your personal information to receive futre Text Notifications from East Los Angeles College. https://elacopen.bbcportal.com/Entry

For Instructions on how, please access instructions here.

Emergency Notification Contact