Students Talking at Campus

Student Conduct

Student Conduct

Student Services

The faculty and administration of East Los Angeles College are committed to the belief that honesty and integrity are integral components of the academic process. The College expects students to be honest and ethical at all times in their pursuit of academic goals. Students who violate the code of academic conduct by which the College maintains its academic integrity will be dealt with in a manner reflecting the seriousness of these violations.

  1. Violations
    Violations of academic honesty and integrity occur when a student participates in any act in which he/she uses deception or fraud while performing an academic activity. Violations include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. Using study aids such as calculators, tape recorders or notes, when not authorized by the instructor.
    2. Cheating on examinations, assignments or experiments (allowing another student to copy one's answers or copying the answers of other students; exchanging information by any means, including verbal exchanges, sign language, hand signals, secret codes, passed notes, creation of a distraction for the purpose of cheating; changing answers on a previously scored test, assignment or experiment; inventing information and/or data.)
    3. Allowing another student to assume one's identity in order to fulfill an assignment or take a test.
    4. Submitting for a grade the words, ideas, and/or written work (including laboratory notes and drawings) of another person without giving due credit to that person. This includes purchased papers or papers written by other students.
    5. Falsifying or attempting to falsify attendance records and/or grade rosters.
    6. Conspiring with other students to commit any of the above behaviors.
  2. Possible Consequences
    Consequences for any offense against academic honesty and integrity may include:
    1. An “F” or a “0” on the examination or assignment.
    2. Suspension from the class and other sanctions and/or penalties authorized by the Board of Trustees for violations of the District Code of Conduct.
    3. A record of the student's violation placed in the student's disciplinary file.
  3. Student’s Right to Appeal
    Students have the right to appeal disciplinary actions through the Board of Trustees Discipline procedures. A final grade may be contested through the student grievance procedures.
  4. Reporting a Violation
    When an alleged incident of academic dishonesty occurs, it is recommended that a faculty member take the following steps to report the incident:
    1. Inform the student and the department chair of the nature of the alleged violation and the impending course of action.
    2. Complete the Academic Dishonesty Report Form and submit it, along with any related evidence, to the V.P. of Student Services. The student should also receive a copy of the form from the instructor within ten (10) working days of the incident.
    3. The V.P. of Student Services will forward information about the incident to the Department Chair and the appropriate Dean of Academic Affairs.
    4. The V.P. of Student Services or designee will investigate the allegations and recommend any appropriate disciplinary actions.
  5. Faculty Responsibilities
    In order to maintain an environment free of academic dishonesty, the following recommendations are made to the faculty regarding their responsibility to uphold academic integrity:
    Make every attempt to conduct their classroom in a manner which encourages honorable behavior and learning, to ensure student success and discourage academic dishonesty.
    1. Inform students of the course requirements, grading procedures and expectations of responsible academic conduct.
    2. Inform students of the College policy on Academic Integrity and the potential consequences for violations of this policy.
    3. Inform students of their right to due process should they wish to contest the cheating allegation.

LACCD Board Rules 9803, 9804, 9805, 9806

9803.10 Willful Disobedience. Willful disobedience to directions of college officials acting in the performance of their duties.

9803.11 Violation of College Rules and Regulations. Violation of college rules and regulations, including those concerning student organizations, the use of college facilities, or the time, place, and manner of public expression or distribution of materials.

9803.12 Dishonesty. Dishonesty, such as cheating, or knowingly furnishing false information to colleges.

9803.13 Unauthorized Entry. Unauthorized entry to or use of the college facilities.

9803.14 College Documents. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of college documents, records, or identification.

9803.15 Disruption of Classes. Obstruction or disruption of classes, administration, disciplinary procedures, or authorized college activities.

9803.16 Theft of or Damage to Property. Theft of or damage to property belonging to the college, a member of the college community, or a campus visitor.

9803.17 Interference with Peace of College. The malicious or willful disturbance of the peace or quiet of any of the Los Angeles Community Colleges by loud or unusual noise, or any threat, challenge to fight, fight, or violation of any rules of conduct set forth in this Article. Any person whose conduct violates this section shall be considered to have interfered with the peaceful conduct of the activities of the college when such acts are committed.

9803.18 Assault or Battery. Assault or battery, abuse, or any threat of force or violence directed toward any member of the college community or campus visitor engaged in authorized activities.

9803.19 Alcohol and Drugs. Any possession of controlled substances which would constitute a violation of Health and Safety Code section 11350 or Business and Professions Code section 4230, any use of controlled substances the possession of which are prohibited by same, or any possession or use of alcoholic beverages while on any property owned or used by the District or colleges of the District. “Controlled substance”, as used in this section, include but are not limited to the following drugs and narcotics: a) opiates, opium, and opium derivatives, b) mescaline, c) hallucinogenic substances, d) peyote, e) marijuana, f) stimulants and depressants, g) cocaine.

9803.20 Lethal Weapons. Possession, while on a college campus or at a college-sponsored function, of any object that might be used as a lethal weapon is forbidden by all persons except sworn peace officers, police officers, and other government employees charged with policing responsibilities.

9803.21 Discriminatory Behavior. Behavior while on a college campus or at a college sponsored function, inconsistent with the District’s non-discrimination policy, which requires that all programs and activities of the Los Angeles Community College District be operated in a manner which is free of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, creed, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, age, handicap or veteran status.

9803.22 Unlawful Assembly. Any assemblage of two or more persons to 1) do an unlawful act, or 2) do a lawful act in a violent, boisterous or tumultuous manner.

9803.23 Conspiring to Perform Illegal Acts. Any agreement between two or more persons to perform an illegal act.

9803.24 Threatening Behavior. A direct or implied expression of intent to inflict physical or mental/emotional harm and/or actions, such as stalking, which a reasonable person would perceive as a threat to personal safety or property. Threats may include verbal statement, written statements, telephone threats or physical threats.

9803.25 Disorderly Conduct. Conduct that may be considered disorderly includes; lewd or indecent attire or behavior that disrupts classes or college activities; breach of the peace of the college; aiding, or inciting another person to breach the peach of college premises or functions.

9803.26 Theft or Abuse of Computer Resources. Theft or abuse of computer resources including but not limited to:

  1. Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose.
  2. Unauthorized transfer of a file.
  3. Unauthorized use of another individual's identification or password.
  4. Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of a student, faculty member or college official, or to alter college or district records.
  5. Use of unlicensed software
  6. Unauthorized copying of software
  7. Use of computing facilities to access, send or engage in messages which are obscene, threatening, defamatory, present a clear and present danger, violate a lawful regulation and/ or substantially disrupt the orderly operation of a college campus.
  8. Use of computing facilities to interfere with the regular operation of the college or district computing system.

9803.27 Performance of an Illegal Act. Conduct while present on a college campus or at a location operated and/or controlled by the District or at a District-sponsored event, which is prohibited by local, State, or federal law.


9804 Interference with Classes. Every person who, by physical force, willfully obstructs, or attempts to obstruct, any student or teacher seeking to attend or instruct classes at any of the campuses or facilities owned, controlled or administered by the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District, is punishable by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500) or imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. As used in this section, “physical force” includes, but is not limited to, use of one’s person, individually or in concert with others, to impede access to or movement within or otherwise to obstruct the students or teachers of the classes to which the premises are devoted


9805 Interference with Performance of Duties of Employees. Action to cause, or attempt to cause, any employee of the District to do, or refrain from doing, any act in the performance of his or her duties by means of a threat to inflict any injury upon any person or property.

9805.10 Assault or Abuse of an Instructor. Assault or abuse of any instructor employed by the District in the presence or hearing of a community college student or in the presence of other community college personnel or students and at a place which is on District premises or public sidewalks, streets, or other public ways adjacent to school premises, or at some other place where the instructor is required to be in connection with assigned college activities.


9806 Unsafe Conduct. Conduct which poses a threat of harm to the individual and/or to others. This includes, but is not limited to, the following types of conduct: Unsafe conduct in connection with a Health Services Program (e.g., Nursing, Dental Hygiene, etc.); failure to follow safety direction of District and/or college staff; willful disregard to safety rules as adopted by the District and/or college; negligent behavior which creates an unsafe environment.


The student grievance process is designed to provide a prompt and equitable means for resolving student grievances, including but not limited to the grading process. The grievance procedure may be initiated by a student or group of students who reasonably believe that they have been subject to unjust action or denied rights that adversely affect their status, rights, or privileges as a student. To initiate a student grievance, please contact Dean Paulina Palomino, Ombudsperson, 323.265.8614

Although the grievance procedures are established to enable a student to challenge a particular grade, students are advised of section 76224 of the California Education Code which provides: "When grades are given for any course of instruction taught in a community college district, the grade given to each student shall be the grade determined by the instructor of the course and the determination of the student's grade by the instructor, in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency, shall be final."

Please also note that the student grievance procedure does not apply to the following:

  1. Challenge process for prerequisites, co-requisites, advisories and limitations on enrollment. Information on challenges to prerequisites is available from the Office of Academic Affairs.
  2. Alleged violations of sexual harassment, actions dealing with alleged discrimination on the basis of ethnic group identification, religion, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability. These complaints are handled through the District's office of Diversity Programs at 213-891-2315.
  3. An appeal for residency determination. Residency appeals should be filed with that Admissions and Records Office.
  4. Eligibility, disqualification or reinstatement of financial aid. Procedures for eligibility, disqualification or reinstatement of Financial Aid may be obtained in the Financial Aid Office.
  5. Student Discipline: Actions dealing with student discipline are handled through the Office of Student Services.
  6. Freedom of the Press: Issues pertaining to freedom of press and journalism are addressed in Administrative Regulation E-63 and Board Rules 9703 and 9704.
  7. Employee Discipline. Students may file complaints about employee conduct with the appropriate administrator (see Board Rule 10101 – Unsolicited Written Derogatory Communications).
  8. Challenges of established District policies, e.g. Board Rules and Administrative Regulations. Grievances regarding District policy, which are beyond the authority of a college president, shall be referred to the Chancellor or Chancellor’s designee for appropriate handling and response.
  9. Financial claims against the District. Financial claims need to be made through the District’s Office of General Counsel.

Information about other procedures is listed in the schedule of classes and college catalogs or may be obtained from the Student Service Office.

Most complaints, grievances or disciplinary matters should be resolved at the campus level, before escalating issues to other resources. Please follow the link below for more information at the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office:

All parties involved in a potential grievance are encouraged to seek an informal remedy.
The recommended steps for students to follow are:

  • meeting directly with the faculty member(s) with whom the student has a problem
  • meeting with the department chair of the faculty member(s)
  • meeting with the department's Dean of Academic Affair
  • meeting with the College Ombudsperson
  • Ombudspersons are faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate to assist students in obtaining informal resolution of a grievance.

Students unable to resolve their grievance through the informal process may file a "Formal Grievance Hearing Request Form" with the College Ombudsperson. The Ombudsperson will provide students with information about the formal grievance hearing process and their rights and responsibilities in this process.

Students pursuing a formal grievance have the right to be represented by a Student Advocate who will assist students in the formal grievance process.

Administrator Regulation E55 (Word Document)

Portrait of Dr Miguel Duenas

Dr. Miguel Dueñas

Vice President of Student Services

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