ELAC High School Initiatives - Admission Requirements


Information Does Not Apply to Students Who Will Graduate Before Classes Begin.


Start at ELAC and Go Anywhere!

If you are a highly motivated and academically successful student, college courses can augment your high school education. Universities look favorably upon high school students who challenge themselves, and community college courses can provide you with that opportunity. For vocational students, community college courses may offer resources that may not be available at the high school.
The decision to enroll in college courses while still in high school is a serious one. Because high school should be your top priority at this time, it is important to carefully consider the amount of time your college course will take. For every hour spent in class, you should plan to study two hours outside of class. The extra time commitments can be overwhelming, and your grades at high school could suffer. Your East Los Angeles College transcript will become part of your permanent record, and must be declared if you apply to a university. The grades earned at ELAC become part of your cumulative college grade point average, regardless of whether you are still in high school when taking the courses. So, carefully consider all issues before making your decision.


  1. Complete the ELAC Enrollment Form
  2. Complete the High School & Parent Permission Form (you will need to have a parent/guardian and high school counselor sign this form)
  3. Submit a Course Request Card or Add Card (once class has started)
  4. See the ELAC Rep if you have any questions or call (323) 780-6787 if you have any questions.

Some suggestions to help you with the decision and to help you be successful if you are admitted to ELAC:

  • Discuss your interest in concurrent enrollment with your high school counselor first. He/she can assist you in identifying your goals and deciding whether taking classes at ELAC before finishing high school will help you reach those goals. Alternative options may be available that may more appropriately meet your needs. You will need to
  • Make sure you are doing well in every high school course before attempting to enroll in a college course. Dont put your high school grades at risk by taking college courses and overloading.
  • If you want to take a course in English, math, or science with a lab, you must take the ELAC assessments before submitting your application. Minimum scores are needed to meet prerequisite requirements.
  • Know the rules. College procedures and regulations differ from those at high school. Protect yourself and your college record by knowing procedures, deadline dates, etc. College is different from high school and you are considered to be a mature adult and are held responsible for adhering to all policies and procedures. Most are found in the Class Schedule booklet every semester. READ IT!
  • Maturity is expected. You will be in class with students of all ages. That is one of the exciting aspects of college classes. Take advantage and listen, participate appropriately, and study. Turn assignments in on time. Come prepared to class.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. We want you to be successful. If you have questions or need help, there are many support services to assist you. Once you enroll, you can take advantage of all of them including counseling, tutoring, and library services to name a few. Ask, ask, and ask again.

Dr. Alberto J. Román

President, East Los Angeles College

Portrait of Dr Alberto J Roman