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Pep Squad Club Constitution

Pep Squad Club

Pep Squad Club Constitution

Section 1: Name of Organization
The Name of this organization shall be The East Los Angeles College Pep Squad, henceforth referred to as the Pep Squad Club.

Section 2: Place of Business
The principal place for the transaction of this organization shall be:

East Los Angeles College
1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez
Monterey Park, Ca. 91754
Football Stadium, E9-118 or where decided at prior meeting

Section 3: Colors and Uniforms
The official colors of East Los Angeles College Pep Squad Club Members shall be forest green, silver, and white. In keeping with tradition, the official uniforms for both men and women shall be one top consisting of the word “ELAC” or “Huskies.” The top will represent the name or mascot of the college.

Section 1: Membership
All students officially enrolled and attending courses at East Los Angeles College are eligible to participate in the Pep Squad Club. Students currently enrolled in the ELAC Cheerleading Technique Course may automatically take part in the Pep Squad Club. Any students wishing to join the actual ELAC Cheerleading Team will have to attend 2 clinics and audition for a position on the team during set tryout dates. Students interested in taking a position on the board in the club must run for each individual position and present their reasons and answer questions to and from other members of the club before members vote on each board position.

Section 2: Qualifications and Vacancies

  1. The candidate must be actively enrolled, attending and successfully completing classes in a minimum of 12 units to be an active board member and 9 units be a club member, and must be a current member of the ASU (associate student union). The candidate must have a 2.0 grade point average in all work completed at East Los Angeles College.
  2. The term of office for all members of student government shall begin immediately after the first meeting held after the first tryouts, and will be held till March of the following year.
  3. Any unexcused absence exceeding 3 days will automatically disqualify the person from any club or team position. The vacancy created by such disqualification shall be filled by the Pep Squad Club President or Vice President.
  4. No one person shall hold more than one office position in the following categories on the Pep Squad Club Board: President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasure, and Delegate. A person can hold only one of these positions at a time; unless a vacancy becomes apparent then the president or vice president must substitute the position. A person can hold a second position aside from the above categories. Those positions are as listed: Social Chair, Historian or Fundraiser. If any office is left open it will be the duty of the president to fill in the position until another person runs for and is voted into the vacant position. If the president can not fill in the position(s) the vice president will support the president by filling in a position that the president can not hold. If the President can not fulfill the role and responsibilities of a president then the vice president will fill in a president, hence forth filling in any vacant positions.

Section 3: Activity Fee
An activity fee of $20.00 dollars per year will be charged for students who participate in the club. This fee will be used towards fundraisers and club tees. Pep Squad Club Members are also required to purchase an ASU # from the ELAC Associated Student Union Office or Fiscal Office and present it to the club secretary for records. Pep Squad Club Members are also required to purchase a tee shirt that represents ELAC or the Pep Squad club to be worn at all activities, events, or meetings or all. There is no stipends to disburse to any members throughout the year. Each board position and club members will be fulfilled with the knowledge and agreement that the club responsibilities will be completed as individual and group volunteered commitments to the Pep Squad Club in interest to the Pep Squad Club, its members, constitution, and mission.

Section 4: Structure
The Pep Squad Club shall consist of three bodies:

  1. The Pep Squad Club Board will serve as the legislative, coordinating and sponsoring branch of the organization.
  2. The Cheerleading Team will function as the judicial branch of the organization.
  3. The Cheerleading Technique Course will act as a committee that will provide recommendations to the Pep Squad Club Board regarding optional matters.

Section 1: Pep Squad Club Board

  • The president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, social chair, and fundraiser shall be elected by all members of the ELAC Cheerleading Team.
  • All officers listed below have one vote on all issues coming before the board during official meetings. The Pep Squad Club Advisor may only vote to break a tie vote.

The Pep Squad Club Board will consist of the following officers:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Delegate
  • Alternate Delegate
  • Social Chair
  • Fundraiser
  • Historian

Section 2: Pep Squad Club Responsibilities
The following is a list of general duties and responsibilities of the Pep Squad Club Board.

President (1): plan, schedule, conduct and lead the ELAC Pep Squad Club Meetings. Follow through with club meetings and activities on campus and off campus. Confirm and make certain that all other ELAC Pep Squad Club Board Members are successful in fulfilling their responsibilities. In circumstances of open position(s) on the board, stand in open positions(s) and fulfill its responsibilities until the position is filled. Address all ELAC Pep Squad Club information with the ELAC Pep Squad Club Advisor. Update club officer contract information with the ASU Advisor when information changes. Attain, retrieve, and submit any forms from/to ASU or FISCAL Office as needed to proceed with club requirements. Prepare to represent the ELAC Pep Squad Club and ELAC Cheerleaders with/at any press conference or interview.

Vice President (1): assist ELAC Pep Squad Club President with his or her responsibilities. In circumstances of an open president position, stand in as acting president until the position is filled. If there are more than one vacant position, assist the president in standing in any other vacant position that the president has not yet fulfilled and needs help in fulfilling. Attain, retrieve, and submit any forms from/to ASU or FISCAL Office as needed to proceed with club requirements. Prepare to represent the ELAC Pep Squad Club and ELAC Cheerleaders with/at any press conference or interview.

Secretary (2): Prepare, type, print or copy club information, calendars, and a phone tree for the ELAC Pep Squad Club and ELAC Cheerleaders. Record any important information mentioned in ELAC Pep Squad Club Board Meetings as the club minutes. Remind all ELAC Pep Squad Club members and ELAC Cheerleaders of any important information (i.e.: activities) or any new or changed information with the above responsibilities. Attain, retrieve, and submit any forms from/to ASU or FISCAL Office as needed to proceed with club requirements. Prepare to represent the ELAC Pep Squad Club and ELAC Cheerleaders with/at any press conference or interview.

Treasure (1): Collect and note any money raised by the ELAC Pep Squad Club or any money used by the ELAC Pep Squad Club. Stay on top of Pep Squad Club account at ELAC Fiscal Office. Report any information in regard to the account or money raised or collected for the ELAC Pep Squad Club to the Pep Squad Club Board and Advisor. Act as cashier at any Pep Squad Club Fundraisers. Attain, retrieve, and submit any forms from/to ASU or FISCAL Office as needed to proceed with club requirements. Prepare to represent the ELAC Pep Squad Club and ELAC Cheerleaders with/at any press conference or interview.

Delegate (1): Attend ASU/ICC/BAC Meetings, as scheduled by ASU. Represent the Pep Squad Club and Cheerleading Team in a professional, respectful, responsible, and educated manner at all times. Raise awareness about the club, its activities, events, performances, and questions on ASU/ICC/BAC issues (past, present, and future). Vote on issues discussed at those meetings, present information gathered from those meetings to the Pep Squad Club members at scheduled Pep Squad Club Meetings. Attain, retrieve, and submit any forms from/to ASU or FISCAL Office as needed to proceed with club requirements. Prepare to represent the ELAC Pep Squad Club and ELAC Cheerleaders with/at any press conference or interview.

Alternate Delegate (2): The alternate delegate will assist the Delegate if the Delegate must miss a meeting or can not represent the club and team with public events and activities. Attain, retrieve, and submit any forms from/to ASU or FISCAL Office as needed to proceed with club requirements. Prepare to represent the ELAC Pep Squad Club and ELAC Cheerleaders with/at any press conference or interview.

Social Chair (4): Organize activities that will persuade more ELAC students to audition for the ELAC Cheerleading Team and ELAC Pep Squad Club. Organize activities for the ELAC Pep Squad Club and ELAC Cheerleaders that will reinforce the traditional spirit and pride for the ELAC Husky students, emphasize on strong commitment and dedication in the Club and Team. Act as poster organizer. Celebrate birthdays for each member in ELAC Pep Squad Club and on the ELAC Cheerleading Team. Choose with ELAC Cheerleading Captain and Coach for best cheerleader of each game and announce the news with a ribbon or gift at each board meeting. Meet, plan, and agree with social chair members on activities, events, duties, and responsibilities. Assign social responsibilities to assistants. Follow through and affirm that assistants are successful with their responsibilities. Prepare to represent the ELAC Pep Squad Club and ELAC Cheerleaders at any press conference or interview.

Fundraiser (3): Research and represent to ELAC Pep Squad Club and ELAC Cheerleaders of any fundraising ideas for the club and cheerleaders. Plan, organize and host fundraisers for the ELAC Pep Squad Club and ELAC Cheerleaders. Attain, retrieve, and submit any forms from/to ASU or FISCAL Office as needed to proceed with club requirements. Prepare to represent the ELAC Pep Squad Club and ELAC Cheerleaders with/at any press conference or interview.

Historian (2): Record and forward video, pictures, verbal recording, or any type of media reordering of the club and its members from all events, activities, games, meetings, community involvement etc. to the advisor for further processing into albums, website, or posters. Record a timeline for all events that the Pep Squad participates in for the entire school year.

Members: Enroll in the ELAC Cheerleading Course throughout the year. Pay Club fees. Volunteer and attend club activities, events and meetings. Run and vote on board positions and board meeting information.

2019-2020 Board Members
President: Samantha E. Juarez
Vice President: Naomi Avila
Treasure: Maria Hernandez
Secretary: Valerie N. Becerra
Assistant Secretary: Vacant
Delegate: Ruth E Rojas
Alternate Delegate: Samantha Victoria Vargas
Social Chair: Sandy Morales
Fundraiser: Vacant
Fundraiser: Valerie N. Becerra & Juliette Martinez

If any of the above members are changed, the Pep Squad Club will notify the ASU Advisor of the change and of the replacement(s) voted by the club members.


Section 1: Days
The Pep Squad Club will meet every first and third Tuesday of every month

Section 2: Time
The club will meet at 1:40pm.

Section 3: Emergency meetings
Only the club advisor or club president can call an emergency meeting. If an emergency meeting is called, all club members must be given three-days notice before the meeting takes place.


Section 1: Attendees
There must be seven members for a meeting to take place. An advisor, president or vice president, and secretary must be present at all club meetings.


Any amendments must be made at an official meeting. An amendment should only be considered when one month notice is given at an official board meeting. Only the Advisor can break a tie if such case should arise while voting on a change.

Upcoming Events

2022-23 Cheer Tryouts:
Monday March 7
1:45 pm - 3:10 pm
E9-103 Gym
Apply online and submit to Coach Zepeda @email

Download Application

Pep Squad Club Meeting:
Monday March 7, & 21, 2022
3:15 - 4:00 pm
E-9 103 Gym

End of spring Cheer Tryouts:
May 16 & 18, 2022
(Monday & Wednesday)
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Contact Information


Dept. Location: E9-102


Eva Lopez Zepeda
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 422-3714