Health Information Technology

Application Submission Guidelines

Effective Fall 2023: Application Submission Process Each fall semester and spring semester, a cohort group will be selected to begin the two-year sequence of coursework in the Health Information Technology Program. Students must complete all prerequisite courses before applying or if they are in their last semester of completing their prerequisites. After completing all prerequisites, the student can apply.

Prerequisite Courses

  • ENG 101 English Composition
  • MATH 227 Statistics or MATH 227S Statistics course
  • CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Office
  • Social & Behavioral Sciences course
  • American Institutions course


  • HTHTEK 133 Medical Terminology
  • Physio 006 Anatomy & Physiology (Summer Only)
  • Health Education course

  • PHYSIO 006 Anatomy & Physiology
  • HTHTEK 100 Introduction to Health Information Technology
  • Humanities course
  • Physical Activity course

The following core courses must be taken at ELAC before a student is allowed to register for HTHTEK 241 Directed Practice in Health Information Procedures. II: HTHTEK 207 Introduction to Health Statistics, HTHTEK 230 Electronic Health Records in the Healthcare Systems. HTHTEK 200 Healthcare Reimbursement and Revenue Cycle Management, HTHTEK 221 Quality Management and Leadership, and HTHTEK 222 Health Information Services Organization & Management. No waivers or substitutions will be accepted.

All applicants will be notified via email within a month of their application being submitted to the Health Information Technology Program on whether the application is incomplete or complete. If the application is determined to be incomplete, the applicant will be notified what is required to complete the application. Incomplete applications will be held for only one year; after the one-year period ends, the applications will be discarded. Completed applications are placed into the cohort applicant pool.

  1. Transcripts to verify the completion of the required prerequisite coursework; for students utilizing classes taken within the nine-campus LACCD system, unofficial transcripts from the Student Information System (SIS) are permitted. Students who wish to use courses taken outside LACCD must first transfer those courses to ELAC for acceptance; please refer to the section below regarding the process for Transfer Students.
  2. Student Resume.
  3. If you are a veteran or the spouse of a veteran, you will want to include Defense Department Form 214 (DD214).

The applications will be accepted every fall and spring semester. See application deadline below. This time may be extended at the discretion of the Health Information Technology Program Director and/or Chairperson. Pre-clinical clearances such as the health examination, drug screening, background check and malpractice insurance are not required at the time of application. Please Note: Do NOT submit the Health Information Technology application to the College Admissions Office.

Fall acceptance – Applications will be accepted from February – June
Spring acceptance – Applications will be accepted from September - December

For Health Information Technology applicants, if any portion of the prerequisite courses has been taken outside the nine campus LACCD system, you will provide unofficial transcripts when submitting the Health Information Technology Application. If you get accepted into the Health Information Technology Program Cohort; you will need to submit two sets of “Official Transcripts,” one to the Health Information Technology Program and another set to the ELAC Admissions and Records Department.

If any of your outside course work deals with the Health Information Technology Prerequisites, you will need to meet with the HIT Program Director to review all of your Health Information Technology coursework. After meeting with the HIT Program Director, you will need to meet with the Counseling Department. The following core courses must be taken at ELAC before a student is allowed to register for HTHTEK 241 Directed Practice in Health Information Procedures. II: HTHTEK 207 Introduction to Health Statistics, HTHTEK 230 Electronic Health Records in the Healthcare Systems. HTHTEK 200 Healthcare Reimbursement and Revenue Cycle Management, HTHTEK 221 Quality Management and Leadership, and HTHTEK 222 Health Information Services Organization & Management. First year HIT courses will only be accepted if the previous HIT Program is accredited by CAHIIM.  In addition, any courses more than years old and/or from a private institution student must retake!  No waivers or substitutions will be accepted.

If you are transferring Health Information Technology courses to ELAC, you must provide the following documentation:

  • A copy of all college unofficial transcripts.
  • A challenge petition form for the Program Director to review and sign (if approved.)

For the College to accept this outside course work in satisfaction of any program or degree requirement, the student must submit both a “General Petition” to the campus Admissions Office AND a “Challenge Petition” to the Department Chair for approval; all documentation in support of both petitions must be attached at the time of submission.

For those veterans or active service members that wish to receive military credit for clinical or academic training taken during their time in the military will need to speak to the Respiratory Therapy Program Director who will guide you in the process to submit this challenge petition.

Students who are in the process of completing the last of the prerequisite requirements may apply to the program, provided they include proof of enrollment in all outstanding classes at the time of submission. Any applicant who does not provide proof of the satisfactory completion of all remaining prerequisite classes by the Health Information Technology Application Submission deadline will not be considered for admission.

The Health Information Technology Program offers priority admission status to active-duty military members, veterans and their (current) spouses provided they meet all other existing admission requirements.

Student Health Requirements for Practicum Course

Enrolled students must begin their physical examination at least one year prior to starting the clinical or practicum semester courses by a qualified health professional. A current Hepatitis B vaccination that includes three doses completed by start of the clinical or practicum class to ensure they are immune. Update-to-date in the series or proof of positive titer result is also accepted for: 

  • Varicella or titer result
  • MMR
  • Tetanus 
  • PPD 
  • Flu vaccination (may be required to receive dependent on the Clinical/Practicum site location and its respective policy). 

Contact Information

Office Hours and Location



Angelica Toledo, Dean
Allied Health Department