ELAC Letters Entrance

Business Administration

Learn About Business Administration

Many Ways to Succeed

Make your dream of succeeding in the business world a reality by selecting one of the many options available at East Los Angeles College. Skills Certificate (SC) programs are 17 units or less and give students an entry-level knowledge of a specific subject or the opportunity to expand their technical skill level. Certificate programs (CP) are 18 units or more and provide knowledge in a specific subject without adding academic coursework. An Associate's (AA) degree is approximately 60 units of academic courses and a business major. Transfer students must take additional academic courses to complete lower division academic requirements to transfer to a university program. ELAC business department offers the following options: 1) Accounting and Advanced Accounting Specialist - SC/CP/AA/Transfer. 2) Business Management/Business Administration - CP/AA/Transfer. 3) QuickBooks Pro - SC. 4) Computer Science Information Technology - SC/CP/AA/Transfer. 5) Governmental Supervision - CP/AA. 6) Marketing - CP/AA. 7) Microcomputer Programming Specialist - SC. 8) Real Estate (agent, escrow, sales, appraisals) - SC/CP/AA

Success = Great Teachers

ELAC business faculty members are professionals in their field and bring real-life experience into their classrooms. Instructors are committed to student success welcoming student discussion and interaction. Instructors integrate technology into their course work.

Success = High Tech Classrooms

Business classrooms have the latest technology in both PC and MAC platforms including multimedia and Internet access as well as the most current software used in industry. Walk-in computer labs allow students access to technology throughout the day and evening. Distance Learning courses are available that minimize the need to travel to the campu

Success = Career Connections

Faculty members serve as liaisons to the business community to set up internships that introduce students to real-world skills. Professional experts in all phases of the real estate industry prepare students for the Real Estate Sales examination and teach courses that qualify graduates to take the Brokers and Sales state examinations. Applied computer skills are emphasized in all business courses.

Success = University Transfer

Most business courses are transferable to the University of California, California State University and private universities. Completion of lower division university academic requirements prepares graduates to transfer to programs in California and across the country.

Admission is Easy

Anyone 18 years or older qualifies for admission to East Los Angeles College. People under 18 qualify if they graduated from high school or if they have passed the California High School Proficiency Test. High school students may concurrently enroll at ELAC with the consent of their parents and high school principal and get an early start on their college education and pay no tuition.

Applications and information to register for day and evening classes are available from the Admissions Office by calling 323-265-8966.

Contact Information


Dept. Location: F7-303


Frank Aguirre
Email: @email

Jennifer Alvarado
Vice Chairperson
Email: @email

Department Information
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 415-4149