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Honors Program

Honors Program Certification

How to get Honors Certified at East Los Angeles College?

To receive Honors Program Certification at East Los Angeles College, an Honors student must complete five honors courses at East Los Angeles College with a 3.0 GPA in those courses and a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Honors courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher. Only students who have taken an Honors course prior to fall 2014 may use one advanced level math or science course to meet Honors certification. Those courses include BIOLOGY 6,7; CHEMISTRY 101, 102, 201, 211; MATHEMATICS 261, 262, 263, 275; MICROBIOLOGY 1; PHYSICS 1, 2, 3, 4 (Effective Fall 2014.)

Honors course credit may also be given for the following:

  1. Applying Honors Courses Taken at other Community Colleges:

    Students may take up to two Honors courses at other community colleges. Any two Honors courses taken at other community colleges can be used towards the Honors certification at East Los Angeles College. College transcripts or other documentation must be provided to verify that the completed course is designated Honors by the other institution.

  2. Completing Separate Honors Science Lecture and Honors Science Laboratory Courses:

    Complete both an Honors science lecture, an Honors science laboratory and directed study to receive credit for two Honors courses. The Honors program periodically offers the following combinations:

    GEOG 1 (Lecture) + GEOG 15 (Lab) + GEOG 185 Directed Study
    EARTH 1 (Lecture) + EARTH 2 (Lab) + EARTH 185 Directed Study
    Check the Honors Program schedule for science course offerings.

IMPORTANT: To facilitate your Honors Certification, please have official copies of the following documents on file with the Admissions Office:

  • Official High School Transcripts
  • Official transcripts from all colleges attended
  • Advanced Placement Grade Report

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ruth Blandon, Honors Program Director at (323) 265-8655 or email her at @email

How to Join the Honors Program

To apply for admission to the Honors Program, see an Honors Counselor, Counseling Department in E1-127 or call (323) 265-8751.

Contact Information


Dr. Ruth Blandon, Honors Program Director
Email: @email