Basic Skills Description

Basic Skills encompass several types of foundational course to help you build your skills in computer technology, reading, writing, math, and English as a second language (ESL), as well as tutoring, learning skills, and study skills. Courses are designed to help students build basic reading and writing skills in order to progress to the next level for GED or college preparation. Students may also learn about Career Pathways, higher education opportunities, and available resources.

Basic Skills abarca varios tipos de cursos básicos para ayudarlo a desarrollar sus habilidades en tecnología informática, lectura, escritura, matemáticas e inglés como segundo idioma (ESL), así como tutoría, habilidades de aprendizaje y habilidades de estudio. Los cursos están diseñados para ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar habilidades básicas de lectura y escritura con el fin de avanzar al siguiente nivel para el GED o la preparación universitaria. Los estudiantes también pueden aprender sobre Career Pathways, oportunidades de educación superior y recursos disponibles.

Basic Skills (Please click on a course)

BSICSKL 033CE Developing Mathematical Thinking (0) RPT4

This course is for students who want to attain a readiness for the study of Mathematics. It is designed to help students begin to develop the thinking, problem solving, organizational, and study skills necessary to succeed in Mathematics.

BSICSKL 034CE High School Equivalency Test Preparation

This course is designed to review test-taking, math, reading, writing, science and social studies skills to prepare students to pass a state approved High School Equivalency exam.

BSICSKL 061CE Academic Preparation for Students with Disabilities

This course is designed for students with disabilities who would like to get introduced to the college environment in order to have a better opportunity for success and prepares students with disabilities for successful transition into credit courses. It introduces students to essential basic vocabulary associated with college. Emphasis is placed on campus resources, information on certificates, AA/AS, AA-T/AS-T, and transfer.

BSICSKL 062CE Basic Computer Literacy for Students with Disabilities

This course introduces students with disabilities to various types of adaptive software and hardware. Students learn to utilize assistive technology more efficiently. The course is based on student needs and also covers topics on Internet usage and operating systems. Students learn basic elements of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and management of an e-mail account. The course will provide an overview of the registration process and an introduction to search engines. Students need to bring an 8GB flash drive.

BSICSKL 082CE GED Preparation: Reading Skills

This course prepares students for any high school equivalency exam, such as the General Educational Development (GED), High School Equivalency Test (HISET) or Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), in the area of Reading. Students develop the ability to read closely across a range of informational texts as well as texts from literature. They read and respond to questions at the career and college ready level of text complexity.

BSICSKL 084CE GED Preparation: Mathematics

This course prepares students for any high school equivalency exam, such as the General Educational Development (GED), Hi-SET or TASC in Mathematics. The class rh6eviews arithmetic, the metric system, algebra, geometry, statistics, and probability. Students learn various testtaking strategies and tips designed to improve test performance.

BSICSKL 085CE GED Preparation: Science

This course prepares students for any high school equivalency exam, such as the General Educational Development (GED), High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) or Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), in the area of Science. Students develop the ability to read, understand, and use information in this context, with a focus on life science, earth science, and physical science.

BSICSKL 086CE GED Preparation: Social Studies

This course prepares students for any high school equivalency exam, such as the General Educational Development (GED), High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) or Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), in the area of Social Studies. Students develop the ability to read, understand, and use information in this context, with a focus on the core areas of civics and government, United States history, economics, and geography and the world.

BSICSKL 088CE GED Preparation: Language Skills

This course prepares students for any high school equivalency exam, such as the General Educational Development (GED), High School Equivalency Test (HISET) or Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), in the area of Language Skills. Students develop command of a foundational set of conventions of standard English. This core set of skills includes essential components of grammar, usage, capitalization, and punctuation, as well as the effective organization of ideas.

BSICSKL 028CE Basic Skills Pre-Algebra

This is a preparatory course for students who want to attain a readiness for Basic Skills Algebra 1. It is designed to help students develop mathematical, organizational and study skills necessary to succeed in Basic Skills Algebra 1.

BSICSKL 029CE Basic Skills Algebra 1

This course is designed to help students understand variable and symbol manipulation and the relationships between them. Topics include: algebraic concepts and methods involving quantities with expressions, equations, inequalities, and matrices; tables and graphs as tools to interpret expressions, equations, and inequalities; operating on expressions and matrices and solving equations and inequalities; and the power of mathematical abstraction and symbolism.

BSICSKL 030CE Basic Skills Geometry

This course includes the study of two and three dimensions from an algebraic point of view. Topics include: translation between synthetic and coordinate representation; deduction of properties of figures using transformations and coordinates; identification and classification of figures in terms of congruence and similarity; interpretation and use of three-dimensional objects and geometric models; and application of properties of figures. Students utilize the extension of trigonometry to angles greater than 90 degrees as a precursor to the development of circular function trigonometry in later courses. Students also analyze properties of Euclidean transformations, relate translations to vectors, and develop an understanding of an axiomatic system through investigations and proofs.

BSICSKL 031CE Basic Skills Algebra 2

This course complements and expands on the mathematical concepts of Algebra 1 and some concepts of Geometry. Emphasis is placed on abstract thinking skills, the function concept, and the algebraic solution of problems in various content areas, including the solution of systems of equations, logarithmic and exponential functions, the binomial theorem, and the complex number system

BSICSKL 032CE Basic Skills Trigonometry / Precalculus Preparation

This course utilizes the techniques of both algebra and geometry. Trigonometric functions are defined geometrically, rather than in terms of algebraic equations.

Note: Upon verified completion of OLD ADL 083CE, OLD ADL 084CE, and OLD ADL 085CE, students may apply for Credit by Exam for KIN 327. Please contact the Kinesiology Department for details.