
Facets - Directory V2 - AZ

*Note: Directory data is from SAP. Please contact your college Personnel Office or ESC HR for updates.
For more info, visit the Directory section of our "College CMS Training Guides" on the Employee Intranet.
Data last updated: 10/14/2024

Swerdlow, Nada

Szklarek, Dina

Taback, Karen

Tadros, Raymonde

Tafoya, Christina

Tafoya, Julia

Tait, Neal

Tajon, Mark

Takeda, Nancy

Tall, Issa

Tanaka, Shouhei

Tang, Jennifer

Tang, Josephine

Tang, Tony

Tapia, Beatriz

Tarango, Victoria

Tarian, Tara

Tarkanian, William

Tarnoff, Steven

Taylor, Warren

Tenorio, Adriana

Teola, Dorothy

Teposte, Manuel

Thomas, SaLisa

Thompson, Brigette

Thong, Linh

Thornhill, Jenna

Tinker Diaz, Rosa

Tirman, Daniel

Tiscareno, Emma

Titus, John

Toledo, Angelica

Toledo, Mario

Toma, Ryan

Torres, Ruby

Torres, Steven

Torres, Ybonne

Torrez, Isabel

Toson, Andrew

Trabanino, Shawn

Tran, Kyle

Tran, Michael

Trejo, Juan

Trinh, Hung

Tromp, Jillian

Trujillo, Joanna

Truong, Billy

Truong, Daniel

Truong, Irene

Truong, Ivy