
Facets - Directory V2 - AZ

*Note: Directory data is from SAP. Please contact your college Personnel Office or ESC HR for updates.
For more info, visit the Directory section of our "College CMS Training Guides" on the Employee Intranet.
Data last updated: 02/21/2025

Salameh, Mohammad

Salas, Maria

Salazar, Anna

Salgueiro, Patricia

Samson, Filemon

Sanchez, Guillermo

Sanchez, Jair

Sanchez, Ancelma

Sanchez, Hugo

Sandford, Daeshawn

Sandoval, Joseph

Sanford, John

Sangha, Davinder

Santana, Salvador

Santoyo, Manuel

Sarantopoulos, Helen

Saucedo, Bertha

Schilling, Tova

Scott, David

Scott, Rodney

Scruggs, Dan

Seeley, Tiffany

Seetao, David

Segovia, Ramiro

Sekiyoba, Safari

Semerjian, Anahid

Semichy, Joslyn

Sepulveda, Christine

Serrano, Silvia

Sevilla, Carolyn

Shabani, Zepiour

Shamsiddean, Qasim

Shang, Karen

Sheran, Helen

Sherling, Matthew

Short, Timothy

Shum, Wing

Sigala, C

Sigman, Michael

Siguenza, Ruth

Silva, Juan

Silva, Trisha

Simha, Claudine

Simonyan, Gayane

Singh, Surana

Siswanto, Anne

Smith, Anthony

Smith, Da'Shaun

Smith, Jill

Smith-Kersaint, Rowena