ELAC Campus and Buildings

Academic Senate

Academic Senate

huskie ELAC academic senate

ELAC Academic Senate

The Voice of the Faculty

All California Community Colleges have an Academic Senate to consult collegially with the college governing board on academic and professional matters, which are are enshrined under the 10+1 defined by Title 5 § 53200. The ELAC Academic Senate makes recommendations to the administration on these matters and represents the voice of the faculty. 

The Academic Senate also oversees and appoints members to a variety of campus committees. Participation in committees enables faculty to develop policies, programs, and practices to best support our students.  Senate Dues support Senate activities as well as Senate-sponsored student scholarships. Please join your colleagues and contribute today if you have not already! 


Senate Meetings

The ELAC Academic Senate meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from 12:10-1:30pm in G1-301A. All faculty are welcome to attend these meetings! The Senate Executive Committee typically meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 12:10-1:30pm in F5-307 to make recommendations to the Senate. Only Senate Executive committee members are required to attend these meetings but all faculty are welcome!

Senate Representatives

All faculty are members of the Academic Senate. Academic departments and units elect a Senator and Alternate to represent them at Senate meetings, so all faculty at ELAC have a voice in the Senate! The Senate Executive Committee consists of elected Senate officers and the chairs of the Chairs Council and the Curriculum Committee.  Senators and officers are elected in Spring of odd-numbered years.


Member Title Telephone No. Email
Leticia Barajas President (323) 780-6703 @email
Amanda Andrade First Vice President (323) 260-8116


Julie Bernard Second Vice President (323) 780-6744


Nohelia Canales Secretary (323) 265-8885 @email
Marcia Cagigas Treasurer (323) 415-5383 @email
Jeffrey Hernandez Immediate Past President  (323) 265-8824


Sherrie Davey Chair, Chairs Council (323) 265-8741 @email
Steve Wardinski Chair, Curriculum Committee (323) 265-6772 @email

Department/Voting Unit Senator Alternate
Adjunct Faculty Joanna Flores
David Scott
Administration of Justice Wayne Posner
Allied Health Pablo Garcia
Anthropology, Geography, Geology Julie Bernard Randy Adsit
Architecture Scott Callihan Ingalill Wahlroos-Ritter
Art Linda Kallan (Sub: Surana Singh)    Christopher Turk
Automotive Technology Adrian Banuelos Oswaldo Soltero
Business Administration Babak “Bob” Khollesi Jennifer Alvarado
Career and Continuing Education Dennis Villacorte

Tova Schilling

Josh Block

(CAOT) Computer Applications & Office Tech Ann Mahrenholz Melisa Vasquez
(CF&ES) Child, Family & Education Studies Amanda Andrade Lacey Evangelista
Chairs Council Sherrie Davey
Chemistry Errol Mathias Franklin Ow
Chicano/a Studies Mary Romo Eddie Flores
Child Development Center Marcia Cagigas Maya Gallegos
Communications Studies David Hale Nader Haddad
MyHanh Anderson
Counseling Amber Marsden Genevieve Ayala
Kirby Dominguez
Curriculum Committee Steve Wardinski Cathleen Rozadilla
Dance Kristin Reutimann
Engineering & Technologies Eddie Villanueva Jose C. Ramirez
English Cory Youngblood Shouhei Tanaka
Lauren Figueroa
Global Languages and Cultures Robert Liu
Immediate Past President Jeffrey Hernandez
Journalism Jean Stapleton
Kinesiology Juan Diaz James Hines
Learning Assessment Committee Steven Almaraz
Library Choonhee Rhim

Rita Suarez

Amy Guy

Life Sciences Nohelia Canales Stuart Souki
Mathematics Regis Smith Sara Mohanty
Ruth Zambrano
Media Arts and Technologies Robert Aaron Lyle                   Jill Olguin Smith
Music Lucy Nargizyan Chie Nagatani
Non-represented Faculty Amanda Ryan Romo Maria Acosta
Nursing Jennifer Figueroa Brenda Chan
Pauline Sunda
Philosophy Gerardo Villaseñor Tim Snead
Ramon Posada
Physics Marina Papenkova Lilit Haroyan
Professional Development Committee Apri Festekjian Ray Oropeza
Psychology & Addiction Studies Cathy Cleveland Ryan Godfrey
Public Safety Affiliation Georgina Gomez                       Sharon Johnson
Respiratory Therapy Bunnarith Chhun Gabriel Rodriguez
Michael Haines
Social Sciences Rogelio Garcia Kelly Velasquez
Southeast Campus Council Maria “Sokie” Quintero
Theatre Arts Jessica Hansen Francois-Pierre Couture
Lisa Hashimoto Stone


More Senate Information

More Senate documents and information can be accessed at the Senate Sharepoint site Senate Sharepoint Site

Senate Canvas Page

A repository of Senate history, information, rules and resources

Roadmap for Teaching in an AI World

AI guidance and resources for faculty

Contact Us

For any Senate-related matters, please email @email or Senate President Leticia Barajas at bajarall@elac.edu