ELAC Campus and Buildings

FAQ about Tutoring

FAQ about Tutoring

Academic Labs

Monday – Thursday, 8am – 8pm and Friday 8am – 4pm

Can I still get tutoring?

Absolutely! The Language Lab has moved to an online tutoring system. Walk-in sessions are available or please make an appointment for either a twenty to sixty-minute one-on-one or group tutoring session in all levels of English as a Second Language (ESL), American Sign Language (ASL), French, Japanese, Mandarin, and Spanish. We have native speakers for ESL, French, Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish tutoring.

If you want a walk-in tutoring session or to make an appointment, please visit the Language Lab website:

If you have questions or concerns about our services, please email us at:

Nelli Asatryan (Instructional Assistant @email

Yangok Chu (Instructional Assistant) @email

Eldy Dean (Director) @email

Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 5:00pm (in-person and online); Friday 2:00pm - 8:00pm (online); Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm (online)

How can I get tutoring?

Walk into the Learning Center (E3-280) or join the Learning Center's Zoom (#914 3771 4582), and we can help you find a tutor.

Or, go to Penji, and look for the class you need tutoring in to schedule an appointment.

Appointments are 30 or 50 minutes in length; we do offer walk-ins, but because our staff is small, we cannot guarantee you'll be seen.  We always recommend scheduling an appointment through Penji: https://web.penjiapp.com/schools/laccd/communities/elac-learning-center

If you have questions or concerns about our services, please email us at:


Monday –Thursday, 7:30am - 9:30pm

Friday, 9am - 4pm

Saturday, 10am - 4pm

Can I still get tutoring?

Yes! We are fully online. All sessions will be one-on-one and 45 minutes (group tutoring and workshops TBA). Click on this link to get started: http://elacreadingwritingcenter.org/general/services/online-reading-writing-tutoring/

Select “Walk-in Online Tutoring” or if you want a session for a later time, select, “Make an Appointment.” An email with a link will be sent to you shortly. If you do not receive an email, contact us at 323-405-4385.

No, but we recommend that you download the app. You may still meet with your tutor as long as you open the email that is sent to you and you follow the link.

If you need help with zoom, click here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-Video-Tutorials

A desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection will do just fine. Most of these devices have webcams, microphones, and speakers, but if your device does not have access to a camera, microphone, and/or speaker, we can still communicate with you via chat.

We prefer GoogleDocs (Google Drive) but you are welcome to use Word (One Drive) if you prefer.

Where can you be reached if I have questions or need help troubleshooting?

Call or text 323-405-4385 during our normal working hours.

Is there still writing tutoring at South Gate?

Yes. When classes go remote on March 30, so will the SG Writing Center. Big changes, for sure. But what hasn’t changed is the writing center staff. We are all still here.

Some classes will have embedded tutors. If you want to get tutoring outside of class, your tutor will have contact information so that you can set up an appointment. We highly recommend downloading the Zoom app if you haven’t already. Very accessible and most instructors/tutors will use this. If you’re nervous, don’t worry. Tutors will walk you through the process. (However, please be patient. We are also learning.) For those classes that do not have embedded tutors, online tutoring services are still available. Tutors are totally accessible. Just email them to make an appointment and they will send you a link to click on for your tutoring session.

At the moment, we are still trying to figure that out. Our tutors have varying schedules so it’s up to you whose schedule fits best with yours.

Sessions are around 45 minutes. Not only are there individual sessions but you can also receive group tutoring. In addition, we will offer workshops TBA.

Google Docs would be preferred but you can use Word.

Contact Beth Musgrave. She can be reached at @email

Tutor Contact Hours Available Online

Mike @email
Mon 4 PM – 10PM
Tues 6 PM – 10 PM
Wed 9 AM – 11 AM & 3 PM – 9 PM
Thurs 9 AM – 11:30 AM & 12 PM – 3 PM

Alex @email
Tues – Fri 12 PM – 6 PM

Erica @email Mon & Wed 9 AM – 12 PM
Mon & Wed 4 PM – 7 PM

Mauricio @email Mon – Fri 9 AM – 2 PM

Stephani @email Mon – Fri 10 AM – 3 PM

Ivanava @email
Mon 11:30 AM – 7:30 PM
Thurs 11:00 AM – 7 PM
Fri 11:30 AM – 2:30PM

Carlos @email
Tues 9 AM – 3 PM
Wed 4 PM – 7 PM
Thurs 9 AM – 3 PM

Andrea @email
Mon 9 AM – 12 PM
Wed 9 AM – 12 PM
Friday 10 AM – 4 PM

Eddie sgwceddiem@gmail.com
Tues 11:00AM – 8:00PM
Wed 4:00PM to 7:00PM
Thurs 11:00AM – 7:00PM
Sat 9 AM – 2 PM

Jake Mondays 2 PM – 7 PM

Tony Will be shadowing Erica and Mike

Math Tutoring Center

The Math Tutoring Center will offer remote tutoring for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester.

Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 8:00pm
Friday and Saturday 9:00am – 5:00pm

Scheduled one on one tutoring appointments via Zoom video conferencing platform only. Appointments are of 45-minute duration.

“Walk-in” sessions via Zoom video conferencing platform only.

Email questions with email reply.

One on One Tutoring Services

Students must register for a tutoring account on www.elactutoring.org/portal/student unless they have already done so through the Writing Center.

Once registered, students must enter the following information.

username = ID number

Password = ElacMMDD

Students can then make an appointment for Math tutoring by selecting the “Math Lab One-on-One Tutoring” option, read and agree to the guidelines, and selecting the class.

How to access the Math Tutoring Center through the Zoom platform

Use the link https://laccd.zoom.us/j/2826992352

**Make sure your device has video and audio accessibility. (desk top, lap top or mobile device)

How to access the Math Tutoring Center through email
Students can email questions to @email. Email questions are subject to “first come first serve” and availability within the hours of operation.

Student must haves for online tutoring session

A file or picture of the original question(s) ready for upload and student work.

A list of questions to be addressed during the session.

Be present in an environment with minimal distractions.

How to send email questions

In the subject line include the Math course.

In the body begin by stating student’s full name and name of instructor.

Upload a file or picture of the original question(s) and student work.

Provide a list of questions or explain what needs to be addressed.

South Gate Math Tutoring Center Online

Monday - Friday 10:00am - 6:30pm

Can I still get tutoring?

Yes! We are fully online. All sessions will be drop-in during our hours of operation. Click on this link to reach the tutors online through Zoom: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/482789652

Do I need to sign up with Zoom in order to see my tutor?

No, but we recommend that you download the app if you want to use your smartphone.

What type of device or computer will I need to have?

A desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection will do just fine. Most of these devices have webcams, microphones, and speakers, but if your device does not have access to a camera, microphone, and/or speaker, we can still communicate with you via chat.

Math Supplemental Instruction (SI) Sessions

Can I still attend SI sessions?

Yes! We are fully online. Please visit the website for details.


You can join an SI session by enter the meeting ID or click on the link next to the schedule of the corresponding SI leader.

Do I need to sign up with Zoom in order to see my SI leader?

No, but we recommend that you download the app on your table or smartphone.

What type of device or computer will I need to have?

A desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection will do just fine. It is strongly recommended for you to share your math problems via whiteboard on zoom. It is very hard to describe math equations verbally.

English Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program

In the English SI program, SI Leaders are assigned to specific course sections. Beginning March 30, 2020, the English SI Leaders will schedule and conduct two synchronous (real-time) sessions a week online using Canvas. During these sessions, the SI Leaders will encourage involvement and comprehension of subject content in English, Reading and ESL. If you have any questions about the English Department's Supplemental Instruction Program, then please contact Gregory Mena at @email.