The Center for Global Education
Information Sessions for Summer 2025 Programs
IRELAND, summer 2025Program dates: June 23, 2025 - July 3, 2025. Price: $2,100. Does not include airfare. It is mandatory for all interested students to attend an online information session. Zoom link: The 2025 summer program for Ireland is now closed.
PARIS, FRANCEParis program dates: July 1 - July 30, 2025 It is mandatory for all interested students to attend an online information session. Zoom link:
Thursday, March 13 @ 4pm Wednesday, March 26 @ 5pm,
SALAMANCA, SPAINProgram dates: July 1 - July 30, 2025 It is mandatory for all interested students to attend an online information session. The 2025 summer program for Salamanca, Spain is now closed. Zoom link:
MEXICO CITYProgram dates: July 19 - August 3, 2025
Friday, March 21 @ 5pm Wednesday, March 26 @ 4pm |
Study Abroad and Financial Aid
Did you know you can use your FINANCIAL AID money to finance your study abroad trip? The best way to do this is to plan ahead so if you don't have financial aid yet, apply as soon as possible. A complete financial aid application takes at least 30 days to process. If your application is incomplete, there will be a delay!
There are a few things you must know about how you can use financial aid to help pay for your study abroad program:
- You must sustain a 2.0 GPA (C average) to be eligible for financial aid throughout the school year.
- You must be taking at least 6 units of coursework the semester you are granted financial aid.
- If you are not on Financial Aid, and you would like to participate in a summer study abroad program, apply for financial aid during the spring semester before your study abroad program. Likewise, if you wish to participate during a winter study abroad program, apply for financial aid the fall semester before your program.
- You may use your fee waiver to pay for your tuition to the institution granting credit. (i.e. ELAC)
- If you participate in a summer study abroad, you will have to use the fee waiver from the following school year. For example, if you attend the 2022 summer study abroad program, you will use the fee waiver for the 2022/2023 school year.
- If you participate in a 2023 winter study abroad program, you may use the fee waiver granted to you for the 2022/2023 academic year.
- Since summer study abroad programs will require you to make your payments in the spring semester, you will need to use financial aid funds granted to you the school before you go abroad.
- Manage your funds! You can always save money from each semester granted to you and budget for your study abroad experience.
- Why you apply for financing of your study abroad, make sure you take a class that is part of your Student Educational Plan. The course, for example, might be a part of your major, or it might allow you to satisfy a UC/CSU requirement.
If you have any questions, please visit the Financial Aid office in E1-173, and ask to speak with Julio Alvarado ( the designated counselor who can offer advice to students on financing study abroad programs.